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Erectile Drug-function: The Impairing Effects of Marijuana Use

Javier grew up in the early ‘90s. Throughout his schooling he saw school buildings peppered with black posters with the letters “D.A.R.E” imprinted on them. Growing up, he saw and met with dozens of police officers—all by choice--to discuss the dangers of drugs. He was given pencils, erasers and even t-shirts in an effort to prevent him from ever trying drugs.
Javier even took the D.A.R.E pledge: vowing an oath to remain drug free.
15 years later, Javier was meeting again with police officers—and this time it was not by choice. No, this time, Javier was meeting with officers because of his drug-related charges for possession of marijuana. He still got a t-shirt, though—but it said “California Department of Corrections” instead of D.A.R.E.
Javier later went on to attend dozens of substance abuse programs. He faced an innumerable amount of health issues, from lacking concentration to erectile dysfunction problems. Years of marijuana, LSD and cocaine poisoned his body and ruined his sex life.
The drug too has been known to decrease the production of acetylcholine, cGMP and Nitric Oxide--necessary neurochemicals needed for sex.

Puff, Puff, Limp
Most marijuana pundits profess the plant has caused zero drug-related deaths, and while the statistic may prove accurate, Mary Jane can kill your sex drive. Some users take marijuana for its medicinal purposes; others, for its entertainment value. Whether it’s for medicinal or entertainment, too much puff, puff can make you go limp.
Marijuana injects toxins into the body that slow down liver production. The durg too has been known to decrease the production of acetylcholine, cGMP and Nitric Oxide--necessary neurochemicals needed for sex. When the liver slows down due to toxins, the body can experience a sudden decrease in hormone production, particularly testosterone. Once live production slows so too can testosterone.
American Ginseng
Now lots of people like Javier enjoy smoking weed. Some smoke it every day at 4:20; others only at parties. Weed can constrict blood vessels, poison the liver and slow the production down of testosterone. For men like Javier, limp and desperate, detoxifying the body may serve as the only reasonable means for regaining a healthy sex life.
Grown in the States, American Ginseng serves as an essential supplement for the brain, liver and blood vessels. American Ginseng (aka:Panax Quinquefolius) continues to earn a reputation as an erectile dysfunction healer. American Ginseng may help allay symptoms of erectile dysfunction when incorporated in a powerful detox & restoration formula: Cannabis Detoxification For Poor Erection Recovery, which can help you:
  • Improving liver production to eliminate waste
  • Enhancing nitric oxide and acetylcholine production
  • Strengthening blood vessels
  • Boosting energy levels
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63806

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