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Enhance the Bust Line by Exercise

Breasts are composed primarily of glandular tissue and fat, no pill or lotion will change their size or shape. However, posture can be improved to give the illusion of lifted breasts, which require a strengthening of the chest muscles, i.e., pectorals, underneath the breast. Below are the most effective exercises for breast fullness, enhancement, & preventing sagging breasts:

Chest Press

Lie on the floor or bench. Hold dumbbells (a weight you feel comfortable using) to place just above the radius of the chest. Be sure your elbows are pointing out. Push the dumbbells straight up, keeping your arms extended for 15 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Cobra Stretch

Lie facedown with your feet together, and your toes pointed in. Place your hands at your sides with the palms facing downward. Push up to lift your upper body as far as possible. If you feel any strain on your back, alter the pose so that you keep your elbows bent and forearms on the floor.

Praise Pose Strech

Kneel with toes pointed back. Sit back on your heels, and lower your chest to your thighs. Stretch your arms overhead, and rest your palms and head on the floor.


Chest Lift

Lie face down with your hands under your chin. Lift your head, chest, and arms about five to six inches off the floor. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat five to ten times.

Downward Dog

Position yourself on your hands and knees, with feet flexed. Press your hands and feet into the floor, raising your hips toward the ceiling. Your body should look like an upside-down "V." Keep lifting your tailbone toward the ceiling as you lower your heels to the floor.
For fuller, healthier breasts, use herbal lotions containing highly concentrated Pueraria Mirifica. Place a half-teaspoon of lotion onto each breast. Massage each breast to allow the skin to absorb the cream. The active ingredients in the herbs will encourage breast tissue development by elongating and expanding the duct network of the nipple. The duct network will promote expansion of the fatty tissue and ligaments surrounding the breast, providing the desired shape.

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Blog ID: 63800

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