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Jelqing Technique for Weak Erections

Jelqing involves applying a milking motion along the length of the penis shaft in a partially erected state. This technique is designed to help improve erectile quality for men suffering from weak, unsustainable erections.  Here is instruction on how to perform Jelqing:

  1. Use your thumb and forefinger to encircle the base of the penis.
  2. Apply a moderate grip at the base of the penis to maintain a partially erected state and to prevent backflow of the blood.
  3. Maintain moderate pressure by gripping your hand and slide forward along the shaft of the penis.
  4. Force as much blood as possible into all areas of corpus cavernosa and other erectile tissue.
  5. Once a gripped hand comes to an end of the penis shaft, use your other hand to repeat the process.
  6. Repeat the process for nine more times. Repeat 10 times per day for a good result.

If you are seeing any results within 2 weeks, mostly likely your erectile dysfunction is severe and need to take nourishing herbal supplementation for recovery.

Additional Tips

  • Some beginners prefer to use an adjustable constriction loop to help them. Long-term and improper use of a constriction loop might constrict the blood flow while damaging tissue expansion.

  • To enhance the result of this technique, you should use safe and natural herbal or vitamin lotion as the lubricants, which contain herbal ingredients to increase blood flow and assist the removal of possible scar tissues.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63776

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