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VRD Formula III - Vaginal Regeneration & Detoxification Formula For Intercourse Pain

Vibrator—Be Gone!

Embedded underneath the vaginal and clitoral skins are multiple neuroendorcine receptors and glands that are responsible for hormone production and regulation. Continuous, aggressive abrasion and stimulation caused by vibrators or sex toys can disturb these neuroendocrine functions.
Abusing a vibrator can trigger chronic elevation of prolactin, dopamine-norepinephrine or epinephrine conversion, leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. Vibrator abuse can accelerate aging of the vagina, cause a dearth in female hormones, and create an exces of prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone. 

Estrogen’s Role

Estrogen keeps the vaginal tissues lubricated and healthy. When levels dip, the vaginal tissue loses elasticity and becomes thin and dry, resulting in its susceptibility to inflammation. While long exposure to toxic chemicals from prescription drugs, birth control medications, junk foods, and surgeries, can overproduce prostaglandin E-2. If excessive amounts of prostaglandin E-2 are found in the body, the vagina will be less immune to infections, inflammations, and intercourse pains.  [1]

Formula Overview

VRD Formula III contains herbal ingredients that stimulate vaginal tissues for regeneration, that relieve involuntary vaginal reflex, and that alleviate intercourse pain. Rehmannia Glutinosa, Cullen Corylifolium (Psoralea), Paeonia Lactiflora (White Peony), Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum), Ligustrum Lucidum, and Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) contain adaptogenic properties that help the body replenish and balance the crucial neurotransmitters and growth factors needed for tissue rejuvenation.
Turkey Rhubard, Guarana, and Catuaba improve blood circulation, increasing the nutrients of cellular levels. Many herbs in this formula also have anti-inflammatory functions that help relieve the pain associated with intercourse abrasion.
An individual’s daily rejuvenation and immune system routines remain hindered by toxins or interfered by metabolic byproducts in the liver. Milk Thristle, Ligustrum, and Ashwagandha improve liver function necessary to increase the metabolism and expel toxins from the body.

^1 MD Mitchell, AP Flint, J Bibby, JBrunt, JM Arnold, AB Anderson, and AC Turnbull, Rapid increases in plasma prostaglandin concentrations after vaginal examination and amniotomy, Br Med J. 1977 November 5; 2(6096): 1183–1185.

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