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Botanical Remedy For Clitoral & Vaginal Repair

Botanical Remedy For Clitoral & Vaginal Repair, based on ancient Chinese Medicine methods of secreting female hormones and enhancing sexual response and sensitivity, contains the following herbs: Catuaba, Cistanche, Maca, Schisandra, Cornus, and Pyrola. The nutrients found in these herbs-- arbutin, homoarbutin, pirolatin--and alkaloids help repair clitoral and vaginal tissues.
These herbs can also increase clitoral stimulation by improving blood circulation to the genitals. By engorging the clitoris, vagina, and G-spot and increasing overall sensitivity, repair and rejuvenation of the clitoral and vaginal tissues caused by abrasion, hormonal depletion, and scar tissue formation can occur.
These herbs are known to help restore and improve the following:

  • Blood circulation in the vaginal, clitoral, and G-Spot tissues
  • Damaged sensory nerves and receptors
  • Sensitivity to the vaginal and clitoral nerve endings
  • Scar formation under the clitoral and vaginal linings
Dong Quai, White Peony, Cornus, Maca, and Rehmannia increase sex drive by regulating and optimizing the production of estrogen. Many women reported feeling relief from an existing vaginal dryness problem and enjoyment of intimacy.

For menopausal women, alleviation of night sweats, insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal discomfort were also reported. Women under fifty seemed to benefit the most and have even seen a significant increase in orgasms.

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Blog ID: 63739

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