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Reflexology Treatment for Menopause

Don’t confuse it with a simple foot rub. The art of reflexology is more than a massage, just as menopause is more than a symptom of aging. Better knowledge of both menopause and reflexology may help you understand the cause of your problems and solve them – for good.

What is Reflexology?
Reflexology stimulates the nervous system, blood flow, and organs of the body through trigger points that congregate in the hands and feet. Applying pressure to these specific locations can function as an alternative form of healing.  Massaging pressure points triggers an involuntary reaction; much like the knee-jerk reaction when a medical hammer hits a knee. The body may at times fail to provide the proper synaptic impulse from the brain to the targeted area. Reflexology improves nerve response, blood flow, chemical production and interactions, and organ and gland function--all necessary bodily reactions that can affect menopause.

How Do I Do It?
Unlike a muscle massage, small circular motions on the targeted area are used. Fingers, knuckles, massage tools, and even golf balls can help perform the necessary motions. At first, you may feel some pain, but this is due to the improper functioning of the area you are trying to heal. Start with light pressure and add more as you progress.

The massage of several reflex points is needed to produce desired effects. In the case of menopause, the points needed may vary per individual, since there are several contributing factors of menopause. If you are unfamiliar with the causes of menopause, please, read our site to discover the reasons and solutions. If you have read the information, continue reading to see which points help alleviate menopause. Remember, results will not be instant. A few sessions will be required to show results.

Where Should I Massage?

The problem with menopause can be a result of several factors. So there are several areas to concentrate on:
  • Pituitary Gland Area: The pituitary gland produces most of the body’s hormones. Pituitary stimulation helps the body produce a sufficient amount of  hormones and chemicals needed for sexual functioning. Pituitary hormones provide the proper neural communication (neurotransmitters) that effect hot flashes, mood swings, and lack of sexual desires.
  • Thyroid Gland Area: The thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system, which includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and testes. Any improper function of the hormones can alter other parts of the body as well as sexual function.
  • Adrenal Gland Area: The adrenal gland produces stress, anxiety, and sex hormones. Women who lack sexual desires or feel more anxious than before can use massage techniques to clam the nerves and help elevate their mood.
  • Kidney Area:  Kidneys remove toxins that may retard or interfere with the proper functioning of homrones and organs. Women who have abused birth control pills, drugs or alcohol may be dealing with symptoms of menopause earlier than expected. By eliminating the toxic waste found in the kidneys, women can help decrease some menopause issues. 
  • Ureter Area: Proper urine flow helps dispel the toxins removed by the kidney. A proper working ureter will ensure that harmful elements are not reabsorbed back into the body.

How To Best Use Reflexology
Reflexology on its own may not always be enough to cure premature ejaculation; it will help, though.  At the age when menopause occurs, one should examine their habits and lifestyle and change them accordingly. Such things as anxiety, stress, smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, and poor dietary foods all complicate menopause. Reducing and eliminating these practices will help. Taking effective herbal supplements will better aid the newfound functioning of your body. After all, your new and healthier body cannot be built without the essential nutritional building blocks.

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