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Female Restorex Plus Formula

What’s the Formula Do?

Because of the herbs found in Female Restorex Plus Formula, women can recover and find relief from hormone imbalances, sexual dysfunctions, and symptoms of hysterectomiestipped uteruses, vaginal and cervical damages caused by childbirth, and tubal ligation.

Dangers of Long-Term Hormone Imbalances

Long-term hormonal imbalances often disrupt the neuro-endocrine function of the reproductive system, while external trauma can further damage vaginal nerve endings and cause vaginal scarring that results in desensitization.

How the Herbs Work Together

Dong Quai, American Ginseng, Black Cohosh, and Evening Primrose Oil contain fatty acids and amino acids that help with the recovery of a damaged uterus, vagina, and clitoris.

Herbs in this formula support the vagina, clitoris, and libido by stimulating the production of DHEA, a hormone produced naturally by the adrenal glands. Female Restorex Plus Formula can improve the sensitivity of the clitoris and G-spot. Also, it can elevate the brain's testosterone and dopamine levels to improve the quality of orgasm.

The formula provides even further benefit by increasing the production of prostaglandins, thereby relaxing the vaginal muscles and clitoral tissues.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63710

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