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Infertilidad masculina
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Masturbación excesiva
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Botanical Remedy for Delay & Difficulty Conception

Unfertilized eggs, vaginal or cervical viral infections, defective sperm, blocked fallopian tubes, irregular ovulation, a hostile uterine environment, and hormonal problems can all interfere or ruin fertility. Even with proper testing, some men and women might believe they are fertile. If fertility problems continue to plague your love life, the herbal ingredients in this botanical formula may provide some respite. Known to increase blood flow to the uterine lining and ovaries, the herbal nutrients stimulate the body’s innate ability for tissue restoration and rejuvenation.

Stress Hurts

The body constantly deals with stress. It fights infections. It diverges energy from organs. It even self heals itself. Despite the stress an individual might place on her body, it does fall to fatigue and harm. For women under stressed, this harm can come in the form of contorted hormones and altered metabolism functions, changes that can make it harder for women to conceive.

Imagine the body as a vegetable in the ground. In order for the vegetable to grow and remain healthy, it requires healthy soil, rich in nutrients and minerals necessary for the plant to prosper. This formula is like the soil a vegetable needs—it provides an all-natural supplement that can help balance hormonal systems and prepare an individual to germinate the seed of life.

Formula Overview

The extracts from Rosa Laevigata, Millettia, Cuscuta, Lycium, Schisandra, Cornus, and Fo Ti regenerate tissue and help reduce scars caused by physical trauma and surgery. The extracts from Rosa rubiginosa contain essential fatty acids (EFA) that can convert to the prostaglandins (PGE) , which are involved in cellular membrane and tissue regeneration. Rosa rubiginosa has long been used in Asia for the treatment of chronic dysentery, urinary tract infections, wet dreams, prolapse of the uterus, menstrual irregularities and traumatic injuries. [1] [2]

Thermal Imaging

Ongoing thermal research studies of this herbal blend continue in a hospital setting in China. Unpublished results indicate that this herbal blend has positive and significant benefits for the lower abdominal regions, especially the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix.

Poor blood circulation around lower abdominal, uterus, and cervical regions
After 10 days
No significant change detected
After 20 days
Blood circulation increased around uterus and cervical regions
After 30 days
Herbal nutrients has shown significant improvement in blood circulation. Uterus tissue rejuvenation is making progress. Patients reported coldness to the lower abdominal regions has disappeared.
After 40 days
Uterus, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, and Cervix tissues are in restorative process. Patients reported warmness in lower abdominal regions.
After 50 days
Blood circulation in the entire lower abdominal regions are running at optimal condition. Hormones are in balance. Warms sensation appeared in both the upper and lower extremities

Individual conditions and status differ; please share your success in conceiving below.

  1. ^A Barefoot Doctors Manual. Running Press 0 ISBN 0-914294-92-X
  2. ^Bown. D. Encyclopaedia of Herbs and their Uses. Dorling Kindersley, London. 1995 ISBN 0-7513-020-31
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Blog ID: 63706

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