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Goodbye to Painful Bladder Caused By Acidic Foods

Acidic foods can trigger Interstitial Cystitis (A.K.A painful bladder). Citrus fruits and Vitamin C contain high acidity levels, but so do tomatoes, coffee, tea, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, artificial sweeteners, and some fruit juices. While these foods can be tasty, they can trigger painful bladder symptoms and totally ruined your sex life[1]

Scientists remain perplexed by how and why acidic foods trigger bladder pain, but research suggests that avoiding these delicious acidic foods can result in pain reduction.  [2]

Enjoy the foods you love. If you suffer from painful bladder symptoms, try consuming the remedy below before eating acidic foods. Calcium Glycerophosphate or Sodium Bicarbonate reduce a food’s acidity level, and with the organic minerals safe to consume, both organic minerals make for an ideal remedy.  [1] [2]

Did You Know?

Stomach acid defends against outside bacteria. Without the acid, ingested bacteria would survive and contaminate the esophagus and lungs. Bacteria would also find its way toward the intestinal track or kidney, leaving the body vulnerable to respiratory, intestinal, or kidney infections..

Take preventive measure to neutralize food intake by using special formulated Calcium Phosphorous tablets or granulate powder. Avoid using any acid blocking drugs that can shut down the activity of your stomach’s acid. It is essential that stomach acid remain acidic for good digestion and defense against bacteria.

^1 Bassaly, Renee DO; Downes, Katheryne MPH; Hart, Stuart MD, Dietary Consumption Triggers in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome Patients, Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery: January/February 2011 - Volume 17 - Issue 1 - pp 36-39.
^2 Jennifer R. Hill, Ginger Isom-Batz, Georgia Panagopoulos, Kay Zakariasen, Elizabeth Kavaler, Patient Perceived Outcomes of Treatments Used for Interstitial Cystitis, Urology, Volume 71, Issue 1 , Pages 62-66, January 2008.
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