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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Cnidium: Helping with Erectile Capacity

Jeff had trouble “spanking the monkey.” He couldn’t maintain an erection during sex. He lacked endurance, stiffness and the desire. He was devoid of erectile capacity. Catapulted into a state of sexual dilapidation men twice his age suffered from. He was a 34-year old, married father of two who had everything except the capacity to gain an erection. If he had just a few more gray hairs, wrinkles and an affinity for acting, he could have landed a gig on one of those erectile dysfunction commercials.  

But Jeff was the atypical man: under 40 and suffering from E.D. He made up an odd percentage of males who were young and in search of answers.

How? Cnidium may help
  • Boost blood flow to the penile chambers
  • Free constricted blood vessels that stymie the penile chambers from getting enough blood
  • Repair penile tissue that lead to low sensitivity levels
  • Increase testosterone to boost erectile ability
  • Reverse the destruction caused to tissues, blood vessels and nerve endings due to excessive masturbation/sex
Houston, We Have An Erection!
Men sometimes need a boost to get them going, an extra sense of stimulation to get their rocket ready for lift off. That boost can be as simple as a kiss or as eccentric as an exotic herbal spice. Most men scoff at the idea an herb can help provide the necessary boost to power an erection, but Cnidium, known as a power aphrodisiac, can offer the necessary thrust that even a kiss cannot match.

Cnidium is also an important component in these formula:

Like a Rock
Sex is one giant chemical reaction of bodily functions working in unison. The brain releases testosterone to power an erection. Dopamine helps stimulate the penis. Serotonin elevates your mood, while acetylcholine stabilizes to maintain an erection. Nutrients replenish the lost hormones and neurotransmitters while the nervous system provides the proper signaling to help retain blood in the penis. Think of Cnidium as the oil that helps ensures these chemical reactions remain working. Cnidium can be the secret weapon you need to feel like a teenage boy again.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63669

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