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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Milk Thistle: The Detoxifier

A man requires a gamut of intricate, well-timed chemical reactions to gain and maintain an erection. Any alteration to these chemical processes, i.e., to either the hormones or neurotransmitters, can result in the loss in erectile capacity. Drugs, over-masturbation, medications and even alcohol can all inhibit the proper release of necessary chemicals used during sex.

Drugs, medications and alcohol all inject toxins into the body, inhibiting the body from extracting necessary nutrients from food. The dearth in nutrients results in lowered hormone and neurotransmitter levels. Once hormones and neurotransmitters experience depletion, the penis receives less blood and stimulation, resulting in weak, unsustainable erections.

All-Natural Detox
Men who have smoked a bit too much weed or consumed a bit too much alcohol are at a higher risk of poisoning their livers. The liver, responsible for digestion of necessary biochemicals and detoxification, cannot remove toxins or digest the necessary nutrients  needed to produce hormones and neurotransmitters. When the liver slows down, so to do the production of necessary chemicals needed to power an erection.

Milk Thistle, an all-natural herb known for helping improve erection quality while eliminating toxins, provides the perfect ally for men who have consumed too many poisons throughout their lives. Native to the Eastern United States, Milk Thistle grows in abundance during the spring, providing several nutrients ideal for men. Milk Thistle’s  benefits include:
  • Supercharging the liver’s function to accelerate detoxification
  • Recycling toxic chemical buildups
  • Expelling poisons that can impede an erection
  • Balancing hormones by supplying them with necessary nutrients
If you are suffering from weak, often unsustainable erections due to medications, or drug or alcohol abuse, see if Milk Thistle can provide solace from the problem. 

Milk Thistle Is A Major Constitute In These Detox Formulas:
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63661

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