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Minimizing Your Hot Flashes with Soy Isoflavone

Menopause causes a number of changes to the body. Some women gain more weight. Some deal with violent mood swings, and others endure debilitating hot flashes. Too many layers of clothing can engulf a women in a sea of sweat. Not enough layers can leave her shivering in the cold. Hot flashes occur at random—often in public places. Any increase in temperature can leave a women drenched.

Some women become exasperated by the debilitating condition. Others take action and look for solutions. Most doctors can prescribe medication, but the pills often come with too many side effects, including dry mouth, dizziness, blurred vision and fatigue. Instead of taking medication, women can find solace in all-natural foods.

Minimizing The Sweat
Hot Flashes occur due to the body’s hormonal imbalance. When the body lacks certain hormones, it can no longer regulate body temperature correctly. Instead, the body over reacts and releases sweat to minimize its chances of over heating. In order to combat hot flashes, women need to regain a proper hormone balance. By taking Soy isoflavones, women can experience a decrease in hot flashes thanks to the compounds ability at:
  • Reducing sweating and surges of intense heat
  • Providing genistein and biochanin A for improved hormonal balance
  • Enhanced phyto-estrogen compounds to help minimize hot flashes
Effective Herbal Solutions For Hot Flashes
Hot flashes can prove to be an embarrassing, often unwanted side effect of menopause. If you suffer from severe hot flashes, try herbal formula containing soy isoflavones:
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Blog ID: 63657

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