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Herbal Tincture For Male Menopause

Male Menopause is a relatively new term. Due to the fact that many men refuse to be open about their sexual difficulty, this condition will often go untreated. Luckily, certain researchers have been studying Male Menopause for decades, along with the effects of aging on reduced levels of male hormones. The symptoms of male menopause can be linked to penile shrinkage, difficulty maintaining erections, and premature ejaculation. Unlike its female counterpart, Male Menopause does not affect all men.

Only 40% of men in their 40s, 50s, and 60s experience some degree of lethargy, depression, increased irritability, mood swings, and difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections. In rare cases, Male Menopause can also affect a man in his 20s. A recent study surveyed 1700 middle-aged men and found that 51% of normal, healthy males age 40 to 70 experience some degree of sexual problems, most commonly with attaining and maintaining an erection rigid enough for sexual intercourse.

Just because you’re an older and mature man, you have to accept the onset of menopausal symptoms. That is why this formula was developed with some of the most potent herbs available. There’s Horny Goat Weed – heck, the name says it all! It got it after it was noted that goats that ingested the herb were prone to partake in hours of copulation! It is a known aphrodisiac that strengthens nerves and nourishes the blood, and promotes rock hard erections. It will turn you into a horny goat (metaphorically speaking of course!).

The exotic inclusion of Shizandra helps to restore vitality. It’s a well-known mind enhancer, beauty herb, and SEX tonic! It increases the production of semen, thereby making you need to release it more often, and is famous for relieving sexual fatigue and increasing a man’s sexual staying power. Playing a slightly less prevalent role is Ligustrum, which is extremely effective in improving overall blood flow.

Combined, these herbs synergize to produce powerful results in the fight against Male Menopause!.

YOU Will Need

Herbal Blend

15 grams of Horny Goat Weed (Yin Yang Huo)
15 grams of Ligustrum (Nu Zhen Zi)
10 grams of Curculigo (Xian Mao)
5 grams of Cornus (Shan Zhu Yu)
5 grams of Lycium (Goji)
5 grams of Rehmannia Glutinosa (Shu Di Huang)
5 grams of Schizandra (Wu Mei Zi)

One of the oldest medicinal practices is the formulation of a “tincture”, an extraction of active compounds from plant material using alcohol as solvent.  The active ingredients in herbs are best and most easily extracted by alcohol. A primary purpose of the extraction is to isolate and secure various anti-oxidant compounds known as “flavonoids” that are beneficial to human health. Once prepared, it is best to store your tincture in a airtight dark glass container and keep it at - or below - room temperature.


  1. Pour the herbal blend into the jar, up to between a quarter to half of its capacity (20 oz)
  2. Add Vodka, Rum or Brandy just above the level of herbs.
  3. Seal the jar (tightly, to prevent leakage or evaporation)
  4. Store the jar in a dry and dark area.
  5. Add more alcohol over the next few days, as the dried herbs soak and expand.
  6. Store the jar up to two weeks to three months.

Ready to Drink

  1. Strain the tincture through a sieve with cheesecloth into another clean jar or storage container.
  2. Extract the remaining tincture by squeezing the saturated herbs and transfer it into a dropper bottle. Refrigerate it
  3. Drink two teaspoons right after lunch and dinner. If you can’t stand the taste, dilute it with water, juice, or tea.


Most herbal tinctures are prepared using alcohol as a solvent. If you can’t consume alcohol use Apple Cider Vinegar or Wine Vinegar instead. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator, but be sure to label the jars clearly in order to prevent other family members from inadvertently drinking your tincture. Avoid using plastic containers at all costs. The ethanol in the tincture may solubilize some of the free vinyl substances in the plastic and some PBA might leak out. Never use stainless steel containers for long-term storage.
If the tiny fragments of residue passing through the cheesecloth concern you, filter them twice through a paper coffee filter 

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63652

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