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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
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Head Start and Move Fast Sperm Mobility Herbal Treatment

Sea Treasures

Sea Cumber and Bladderwrack are pelagic treasures from ocean. Sea Cucumber, a creature hidden deep within the ocean, contains reproductive organs that produce eggs and sperm, which become expelled through a very small pore in the back of the Cucumber’s head. A Sea Cucumber’s nutritious and viable proteins make it essential for making robust sperm with energized tails.

What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Produce healthy sperms
  • Increase ATP bioenergy utilization inside sperm
  • Enhance sperm mobility and motility
  • Provides anti-oxidative protection
  • Optimize seminal pH
How Herbs Work

This special herbal blend (that contains Polygonum multiflorum (Fo Ti), Tribulus terrestris, Omega 3, Panax Ginseng, Bladderwrack, and Sea Cumber) provides the amino acids, fertility growth factors, and structural proteins that ensure optimal testicular production of healthy sperm. Enriched with Alpha-L-Carnitine and L-Arginine amino acids, this formula supplies sperm with natural nutrients that produce ATP bioenergy from mitochondria necessary for strengthening a sperm’s tail and propelling it toward the egg.

Essential herbs such as Mucuna pruiens, Urtica Dioica, Lycopene, and Omega 3 help the prostate gland secrete prostatic fluid at the optimal pH level, which allow healthy sperm to both survive longer and swim faster. Infertility often occurs because prostatic fluid will not provide enough enzymatic factors needed to keep sperm from bunching together.

25% Increased

An ideal amount of prostatic fluid can greatly increase fertility potential. Most men have a total of 40 million sperm cells per milliliter. 40% of those are progressively motile and 60% are normal-shaped. A few weeks after consuming this herbal blend, motility ability can be boosted by at least 10%. Technically, this would give a man 40 x 0.50 x 0.60 = 12 million sperm cells per milliliter in comparison to 40 X 0.40 X 0.60 = 9.6 million sperm per milliliter, a 25% increase of healthy, progressive sperm cells.

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Blog ID: 63639

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