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Combating Premature Ejaculation with Griffonia and Passion Flower

Doctors often prescribe antidepressants for people who suffer from premature ejaculation caused by stress and anxiety. While antidepressent help alleviate depressive symptoms, most medications can cause some men and women to lose their sex drive. Some men, when taking antidepressants, cannot gain an erection. Stop premature ejaculations, reduce stress, and perform longer.

This Solution Maybe Helpful If You
  • Live in a high, demanding environment
  • Ejaculated because of high stress hormones or nervousness
  • Suffer from low serotonin level

If your premature ejaculation problem happens frequently (Persistent Premature Ejaculation) or can't hold an ejaculation for longer than 10 minutes, you need to find out the causes to fix it fundamentally.

Supplements Formulated Based On These Healing Herbs:

How Healing Herbs Work?

Few men are aware of the all-natural remedies they can take to cure premature ejaculation disorders. Unlike prescription drugs that actuate unwanted side effects, Griffonia Seeds, Jujube, Licorice and Passion Flower work with both the endocrine and nervous systems to improve bodily functions without the ineffectual side effects.

Please note: herbal remedies will not offer instant results; remedies will require time and dedication for results to appear. Men looking to alleviate the embarrassment caused by premature ejaculation may want to take the following herbal products to find some solace.

Griffonia, or Griffonia simplicifolia, contains seeds that are rich in l-5-Hydroxytryptophan (known as 5-HTP), a precursor to serotonin. When mixed with other co-factors that help with the proper conversion of serotonin, such as Vitamin B6, Griffonia can calm the hypersensitive parasympathetic nerves, reduce stress hormones and restore serotonin balance. When the body loses serotonin because of excessive masturbation/ejaculation, abuse to drugs and alcohol, or due to a hormone imbalance, the sex organs can malfunction, while mood, appetite, and neurotransmitter regulation can become contorted.

The Solution Is Formulated to
  • Stop premature ejaculation by boosting 5-HTP and serotonin levels
  • Calm hypersensitive parasympathetic ejaculation nerves
  • Reduce stress hormones
  • Help you sleep better

A report published in Phytochemical Analysis (Nov. 2002) demonstrated how Griffonia can treat serotonin deficiency syndrome while helping control obesity. Researchers found that the highest levels of 5-HTP came from water-methanol extracts of Griffonia seeds. However, it is not recommended to take Griffonia, SSRI, or MAO inhibitors together.

Passion Flower for P.E. with Sleep Disorders

Passion Flower contains several flavonoids that help ease stress, tension, sleeplessness and performance anxiety. Natural compounds in Passion Flower, Jujube and Licorice are known to help men with premature ejaculation problems. If you have sleep disturbance problems, insomnia or poor sleep quality, take the supplement containing passion flower to help you sleep better, reduce anxiety, and improve performance.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63636

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