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Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder Solution

Kunlun Mountains

A small group of Tao herbalists from the Kunlun Mountains, located in the center of China, were destined to become famous after they devised an herbal formula that brings harmony, solve rare and nasty sexual dysfunctions. Believed to be the paradise of Taosim, the Kunlan Mountains have been home to many mythical and historical Chinese personalities.

What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Increase liver function for detoxification
  • Reduce bad prostate hormones (prostaglandin E-2)
  • Provides nutrients for prostate, seminal seminal vesicle, & penile tissue repair

Formulated To Fix Persistent Erection & Arousal Based On These Healing Herbs:

Formula Overview

Milk Thristle, Scrophularia, Tumeric Root, Bupleurum, and Eclipta in a formula to increase the liver’s ability to breakdown excessive amounts of prostaglandin E-2, phosphorycholine, and metabolic wastes. Toxins are the culprits behind the stimulation that can worsen inflammation in the prostate, seminal vesicle, urethra, penis chamber, and result in fibroid formation and painful persistent erection.

When combined with Smiliax Glabra Rhizoma, Eclipta, Quercetin, and Tumeric Root, the formula has an invigorating synergic effect upon penile blood circulation. The formula provides the nutritional blocks necessary for gradual penile rejuvenation and scar tissue dissolution. If you experience a certain degree of penis curvature, gently massage the penis while taking this formula.

If you experience any pain, stop any rubbing or touching. If you experience persistent, severe pain, check with your urologist so he can examine you for any penile tissue or artery rupture.

Loncicera Flower, Similax Glabra Rhizoma, and Tumeric Root enhance the strength of the immune defense system that stimulates white blood cell production and phagocytosis that recycles toxic waste in the liver for further breakdown. By combining the healing powers of such rare herbs such as Quercetin and Scrophularia, these healing herbs prove to be a concoction of great merit.

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Views: 95

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 63623

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