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Penis Pump For Weak Erection, Unsustainable Erection, Impotence

During the early ‘80s, a new type of technology emerged. This mid-tech piece of equipment wasn’t featured in magazines or newspapers. This device was never advertised by large ad firms—let alone considered as a product to promote by big companies. No, this piece of equipment circulated within small groups of scientists and users who claimed the device helped cure one common problem among men: erectile dysfunction. Yes, the ‘80s gave rise to neon workout clothes, hip-hop music and Madonna, but somewhere in between the strange workout gear and emergence of hip-hop, penis pumps sprouted from the minds of scientists looking to capitalize on an emerging industry.

The early pumps used expensive material to strengthen and enlarge tissue, and the costs to the consumer remained high. Over the years, companies evolved their manufacturing techniques to use cheaper, more effective materials--passing savings along to consumers. And while the pumps are marketed as erectile enhancers, the devices remain suited for erectile strengtheners. For men too embarrassed to take erectile dysfunction drugs, penile pumps offer an alternative.

How The Penis Retains Blood; How Weak Erections Occur

Squeeze a water balloon and two things will occur: One, the applied pressure with cause the balloon to pop, or two, the pressure will redirect the water to expand and fill another portion of the balloon. When you apply the same technique to a quarter-filled balloon, you’re less likely to pop the balloon (unless you’re a highly talented, prone-to-accidents-kind-of person), but you’re left with less water that creates a weaker, smaller balloon. Your penis works similar, and like the balloon with less water, the penis with less blood can create unwanted results. 

Causes of Weak Erections

Most men believe that weak erections occur to older men past their sexual prime. Well sorry guys, weak erections can occur to just about any man and at any age. The factors are as varied as the causes for an erection, including

  • Penile injuries that damage the tissue and prevent blood from entering the penile chambers
  • Depleted hormones that lower stimulation and reduce blood flow toward the penis
  • Excessive masturbation and sex that too deplete hormone levels
  • Age that causes a decrease in testosterone and blood flow toward the penis
Benefits of a Penis Pump

While most men who use penile pumps will notice the inherent benefits of a few squeezes, the pumps work to give men the following results:

  • Constricted tissue for improved blood flow toward the penile chamber
  • Improved erectile strength
  • Increased blood flow for wider erections
  • Treatment for weak erections and impotence

While the inventors and promoters of penile pumps had intended to strengthen weak erections, somewhere, marketers saw the opportunity to advertise pumps as penile enlargers too. And while some pumps may indeed provide an alternative for enlargement, most pumps remain effective at one thing: strengthening your erections. If you’ve noticed erectile issues, if you’re embarrassed during sex, if you want to regain control, you need to see the recommended products for revitalizing your sex life.

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观看次数: 74


笔记编号: 63602

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