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Penile Injury & Nerve Damage Repair For Penis Numbness

Your Problems Are Caused by Numbness

Wiggle it. Twirl it. Bend it. Slap it. And Pull it. Any way you move, bend, or wiggle a flaccid penis is okay. Do the same to an erect penis, and you’ll likely end up screaming in agony as you suffer from a penis fracture.

An injury can result in numbness, inhibited ejaculation, and delayed orgasm disorder caused by nerve-ending damage. Years of abusive masturbation, dangerous sex toys, depletion of nerve growth factors, sex position-caused accidents, or injuries from a penis pump and exercises can also damage the blood vessels.

Solution Highlights

Solution #: 1659
Age: 18 - 65 yr
Symptoms: penis numbness or loss of sensitivity
Possible Causes: nerve ending damage or scar formation interferring with penile nerves
Helpful For:

  • Stimulate nerve repairing process for penis numbness
  • Fix damaged nerves associated with inhibited ejaculation
  • Penile tissue rejuvenation due to abusive masturbation
  • Help to produce necessary growth factors for penis injury recovery

Formulated To Fix Penis Nerve Injuries & Numbness Based On These Healing Herbs:

Using a penis stretching device, penile exercise equipment, dangerous sex toys, or a penis pump to accelerate and force the growth of the penis are practices frequently undertaken by many young adults that naively desire to rapidly achieve a larger penis. Unfortunately, they rarely consider the potentially severe consequences. There are many types of penis pumps on the market, models varying from adult toys to actual medical devices prescribed to treat impotence. Designs of, and materials used for, these pumps can vary wildly. Unfortunately, price is not always a determining factor reflecting the quality of the device. Regardless, misuse or overuse of nearly any type of pump may often result in disastrous penis injuries, lacerations, and dense scar formations.

Heal Your Penis

To heal the penis, the body must rejuvenate the damaged penile vascular tissues and reduce dense scar formation by

  • Increasing blood flow and introducing nutrients essential for rejuvenation
  • Producing more prostaglandins E-1 and E-3
  • Enhancing natural dilation of the penis arteries
  • Modulating transformation growth factor Beta-3 for wound-healing without alteration of scar prominence
  • Producing more testosterone, Arginine, Ornithine, and the GABA neurotransmitter

Penile vascular tissue injuries from penis pumps often lead to embedded scar formations that can often interfere with the erection process. If left untreated, erection pains may be experienced during sexual activities, such as masturbation. Many penis-injury sufferers have reported various unnatural degrees of penile curvature and a sudden reduction in size.

Herbs In Action

Deer Antler, Sarsaprilla Jamaican, Cuscuta, Rehmannia, and Pyrola contain nutrients, hormones, growth factors, and neurotransmitters that are essential to the recovery of injuries caused by penis pumps. In fact, the recent discovery of TGF-beta3 plays a crucial role in the regulation of fetal skin development and collagen formation that can lead to scar-free formation of injured tissues. [1]

That is why Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum), Pygeum Bark (Prunus Africana), Damiana (Turnera Diffusa), and Panax Ginseng are included; they help the body produce more testosterone, arginine, ornithine, and amino acid building blocks of structural proteins and tissue rejuvenation.

Damiana, Cuscuta, Deer Antler, and Sarsaprilla Jamaican provide and stimulate the production of prostaglandins E-1 and E-3, testosterone, and nitric oxide. This process also aids in the recovery and prevention of penis shrinkage. Lastly, this formula will heal damaged nerve endings and reconnect your brain to the penis via the parasympathetic nerves.

^1 Li WY, Huang EY, Dudas M, Kaartinen V, Warburton D, Tuan TL., Transforming growth factor-beta3 affects plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in fetal mice and modulates fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction, Wound Repair Regen. 2006 Sep-Oct;14(5):516-25
[More Details +]

Views: 266


Blog ID: 63564

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