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Infertilidad masculina
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Deep Throat Cup For Inhibited or Delayed Ejaculation

Imagine eating your favorite meal but lacking the taste buds to enjoy the texture and flavors. That’s what inhibited or retrograde ejaculation can feel like--sex without flavor or enjoyment. And every day, thousands of males combat the sensitivity issues that impede their abilities of reaching and enjoying an orgasm.

This lack of climax dulls sex, making the activity boring, lackluster and uninteresting. And despite achieving an erection, a man can fail to reach an orgasm for a number of reasons: diabetes, high blood pressure medications, and surgery to the prostate or urethra.

Men who wish to regain their sexual abilities can eliminate their sexual ineptitude with masturbation sleeves that improve stimulation essential for reaching an orgasm. By collating sleeves and sex, men can find themselves fulfilled, happy and satisfied with sex.

Retrograde Ejaculation at a Glance
  • Caused by diabetes, high blood pressure medication and surgery.
  • Damaged nerves near the ejaculatory duct too can lead to impeded ejaculation.
  • Altered sensitivity levels from frequent masturbation can damage a man’s ability to ejaculate during sex.
  • Prescribed medications can eliminate symptoms.
  • Inhibited ejaculations can ruin sex for males.
Benefits of Masturbation Sleeves

Most men feel ashamed for needing a masturbation sleeve, but the product grants an added level of stimulation essential for reaching an orgasm. Of course asking your partner, “Wait, I gotta put my masturbation sleeve on,” can seem like a strange, outlandish request, but some men may need to resort to such acts. Once you and your partner agree, the sleeve can provide the following benefits:

  • Improved sensation
  • Enhanced visual stimulation for your partner
  • Improved intimacy
  • Varying stimulation thanks to the different sleeve variations
Product Comparison: Finding What’s Right for Me

Finding the right masturbation sleeve can be like finding the right partner. You may have to try a few before you find the one you like. Some men enjoy a tighter sensation; others, stimulation with varying pleasure capabilities. Masturbation sleeves will vary from brand, tightness and abilities. Some offer vibrating stimulation, while others include silicone beads that massage your penis while you masturbate. Men should pay attention to the following: tightness and abilities to determine the right sleeve.


Q: Can These Sleeve Cause Damage?
A: When used in moderation, no. However, men who use these devices excessively and who leave sleeves on for prolonged periods can experience bruising to the tissue.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63535

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