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Nettle: A Natural Treatment Option for Dribbling and Intermittency

Known as the starting and stopping of your urine stream, Intermittency remains a common problem for men. Caused by BPH, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Intermittency pesters men because of the weakening of the P.C. muscles caused by age. And men who notice issues with Intermittency will typically see other common symptoms of BPH, including Nocturia, frequency and urgency. Men seeking solace from the pain and discomfort can take Nettle, which according to experts strengthens the P.C. muscles to improve the flow of urine.   

An Explanation for Intermittency

As you age, the prostate grows, while the muscles surrounding the organ weaken. The pelvic floor muscles no longer can sustain the constant flow of urine, causing a decline in timing. The further these muscles weaken, the more men start to notice a constant starting and stopping of the urine flow. Meanwhile, because testosterone binds to sex hormone binding globulin, the prostate grows and further impedes the flow of urine. As the prostate continues to enlarge, the starting and the stopping will remain a problem.

Solution Highlights

Solution #: 143216

Age Ideal For: 40+

Symptoms: Stopping and Starting Urine Stream

Possible Causes: High SHBG levels or Weak Bladder caused by enlarged prostate

Helpful For:

How Nettle Reverses the Issue

Think of SHBG as a metallic substance and testosterone as a magnet. When the magnet nears, it binds to the metallic surface. If you place a piece of cloth over the magnet, however, the objects no longer bind. Nettle is the magic cloth that keeps SHGB from binding to testosterone. Nettle further assists in the prevention of intermittency by

  • Preventing the DHT that too can enlarge the penis
  • Providing lignans that too reduce inflammation and constriction of the prostate and urinary flow
  • Strengthening the P.C. muscles for improved urinary flow
Taking Nettle: Types, Tips and Dosages for Men

From its powdered form to its liquid extract, Nettle provides several consumption methods; however, not all grant the same benefits or effectiveness in the treatment of dribbling and intermittency. Some men find powder more effective than extract, while men with severe intermittency notice the extract more useful. Men looking for the best solution for their severity level may find them below.

1. Powder: Easily digested and combined into drinks and food, powdered Nettle offers a highly concentrated dosage. More importantly, the higher concentration grants males with severe intermittency and dribbling issues a faster-acting solution.

Recommended Dosage: 2-3 tablespoons

Recommended Recipe: Coconut-Citrus Kale Smoothie from

Known to fight prostate growth and to possibly stop the onset of prostate cancer, the Kale smoothie contains both flax seeds and Nettle to fight against prostate infection, prostate growth and intermittency.


2 oranges, peeled and deseeded

1 medium banana, peeled

1 tablespoon of flax seeds, ground

3 cups of kale, chopped

1/2 lime, peeled

8 ounces of unsweetened coconut milk

3 tablespoons of Nettle powder (or 3 pills)

Advantages: High concentration that provides great results for males.

Disadvantages: Poor taste and consistent usage to see results.

2. Extract: Thanks to the faster metabolism,

the extract form allows the body to capture more nutrients per dosage than its powder form. More importantly, the extract mixes well into drinks and food.

Recommended Dosage: 15-20 drops

Recommended Recipe: Belly-licious Smoothie from A variant of the kale smoothie, the Belly-licious smoothie from provides a fruit-based drink for a sweeter taste. More importantly, the use of Nettle and flax seeds remain the core ingredients ideal for prostate health.


  1. 1cup of mango
  2. 1 banana
  3. ½ navel of orange juice
  4. ½ cup of limejuice
  5. 1 cup of cultured coconut milk
  6. ½ cup of water
  7. 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds
  8. 15-20 drops of Nettle

Advantages: Grants a high concentration of Nettle while allowing the body to capture more nutrients. Mixes well with smoothies, water and juice, while providing an ideal solution for moderate intermittency and dribbling.

Disadvantages: Poor taste

3. Pills: Providing a high concentration of Nettle, most pills offer a better absorption rate of nutrients than powder or extract. Because pills are not diluted by juice, water or smoothies, males can notice faster results.

Recommended Dosage: 300 to 600mg or 2 to 3 tablets a day

Advantages: Higher absorption of nutrients and better results for severe intermittency and dribbling.

Disadvantages: Requires constant dosages each day.

As men continue to experience intermittency-related problems, the constant awkward silence standing in front of a urinal can drive men to seek help. If you’ve experienced those embarrassing, often long wait times in front of a urinal, try Nettle.

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Blog ID: 63519

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