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Cock Rings For Firmer Erection

The National Institutes of Health estimates that 5 percent of 40-year-old males experience erectile dysfunction. Meanwhile, 15 to 25 percent of 65-year-olds too experience signs of E.D. For men, signs of E.D. can present frustration and embarrassment, and thanks to short-term solutions, such as cock rings and penile pumps, men can find relief.

These small, circular objects fit around the base of a shaft to keep blood from exiting. Made from metal, silicon and rubber, cock rings can prolong an erection and improve its firmness, and while useful for short-term E.D., these rings can cause penile injuries if used incorrectly.

Device Overview

An inability to achieve or maintain firmness of a penis leads to erectile dysfunction, and one common cause for E.D. is poor blood flow. When men experience poor blood flow, the penis cannot maintain blood inside the spongy tissue. With blood exiting the spongy tissue, the penis will become flaccid. Men will sometimes use a cock ring to prevent blood from exiting an erection.

Not all men who use these rings suffer from E.D. Some men use cock rings for added pleasure. Whether you use it for pleasure or for E.D., cock ring manufactures advise males not to use a ring for longer than 30 minutes and to avoid falling asleep with a ring on.

Dangers of Rings

According to medical pundits, cock rings and penile pumps serve as the two most common causes of penile injuries. Rings, especially if placed too tight around a penis, can cause numbness, loss of sensitivity and tissue bruising.

How To Measure Your Penis
  • Find a tape measure to determine the circumference of your penis. Purchasing the incorrect size can cause injury.
  • Maintain an erection and use a tape measure to wrap around the base of your penis.
  • Use the measurement to divide by 3.14 to find the diameter. The diameter will determine the right ring to purchase.
Using a Cock Ring
  • Read the instructions for each cock ring. The placement and removal of each ring will differ.
  • Place a ring at the base of your penis.
  • Keep the ring in place during sexual activity.
Cock Rings at A Glance
  • Trap blood inside the spongy tissue of the penis to maintain an erection.
  • Provide the feeling of a harder erection.
  • Cause bruising if used incorrectly.
Product Comparison: Finding What’s Right for Me?

Men in the market for penile rings will find various options; from adjustable to vibrating, rings come in all shapes, colors and styles. What’s right for you may not be what’s right for someone else. So before you go out and buy a ring, these four qualities can prove helpful for finding the ring you want.

Adjustable: Rings can present a real danger—especially when used for prolonged periods. To reduce the chances of an injury, you want to purchase adjustable rings—not necessarily rings that “stretch” when you start to gain an erection.

Design: Most rings are made from either silicone or rubber. Some rings include design features to improve your stimulation, including beads or vibrators. While advantageous, some materials may be uncomfortable.

Lubes: Water-based lubes provide the safest means of use alongside a cock rings. Silicone-based materials cannot be used with silicone-based lubes because the liquid will ruin the toy.

Warnings: No matter what the packaging states, never use the product for longer than 30 minutes and never sleep with the rings on. Men who sleep with the rings on or who use rings for prolonged periods will likely experience penile injuries.

For Cock-Ring Related Injuries

While some men with E.D. may benefit from using a cock ring, men may experience injuries because of these products. If you have experienced impotence, nerve-ending damage or tissue bruising from cock rings, these solutions may help.

If your penis was damaged or suffered unsustainable erection by abusive use of cock ring, fix it with herbs from Penile Pain & Nerve Rejuvenation Remedy, which list out supplements that aimed toImprove sensitivity damaged by cock rings and dissolves scar tissues inside a penis.

[More Details +]

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