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Impotence - Caused by Over Masturbation & Exhaustion

Masturbator, oh masturbator, where art thou masturbator? Allow thy porn and refuse thy erection; Or if thou wilt not, be but a sworn impotence man.
While Juliet may not have spoken about masturbation in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” she did inform

Romeo of the dangers their love would create. And over masturbation, especially at a young age, creates a danger too. O.M. can lead to impotence and exhaustion.

The Pre-Puberty Ritual

It’s normal for a teenage boy to crave sex. Teenage girls go from having cooties to having boobies—and boys like boobies—a lot. Boys start to see an increase in testosterone levels. Erections occur more frequently and spontaneously. Even hair starts to grow in unexpected places. From an increase in hair to a boost in erectile strength, over masturbation can lead to exhaustion, impotence and permanent chemical alterations. And while the occasional “choking of the chicken” may not be harmful, constant visual and masturbatory stimulation can contort both the mind and body.

An Exhaustive Imbalance

A young teenage boy starts to experience a surge of testosterone, which helps grow pubic and facial hair, increases sexual desires and powers an erection. Over masturbation depletes the body of necessary testosterone, nitric oxide, acetylcholine, serotonin and dopamine, sex hormones and neurotransmitters necessary for a healthy sexual function.
The impotence caused by O.M. is due to a lack of four chemicals: testosterone, dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine. Think of testosterone as the desire chemical. Each time you crave sex, it’s the body showcasing an elevated level of testosterone. Dopamine and serotonin control your pleasure and satisfaction levels. Each time you experience pleasure and satisfaction, dopamine and serotonin are the driving forces. Meanwhile, Acetylcholine provides that “excitement” feeling before and after sex. O.M. depletes each of these chemicals damaging the desire for sex, the pleasure and satisfaction you feel from touching your penis or ejaculating, and the blood flow to the penis.
But O.M. elevates another set of chemicals: prostaglandin E2 and cortisol. Prostaglandin E2 and cortisol are both stress hormones; prostaglandin helps relax the muscles while cortisol controls stress levels. Except too much of either chemical creates some unwanted effects: fatigue and impotence.
Young men become accustom to masturbation. Their bodies crave it, while their minds adjust to the elevated dopamine and serotonin levels that please and satisfy them. When young men see a reduction in these chemicals, the body experiences less stimulation and satisfaction, leading to impotence and fatigue. If you over masturbate and feel exhausted, you may be suffering from impotence as well.

Plan of Action

Your body needs to rest. It needs to see an elevation in proper neurochemicals, such as nitric oxide and testosterone. The penile tissues also needs help. O.M. damages the tissues, causing them to experience oxidative damage. Meanwhile, the cortisol levels that cause exhaustion need to be stabilized. Young men suffering from impotence caused by O.M and exhaustion need to take a Botanical Formula for Erection Rejuvenation to see an improvement in nitric oxide, testosterone, neurotransmitters and tissue repair essential for proper erectile strength.

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Views: 526

Ideas: Men,Impotence,Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 62672

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