Vaginal Dryness - Caused by Menopause
Going through “the change” can be difficult enough during the natural course of aging, but it can be extremely challenging when a woman experiences menopausal symptoms in her 20s or 30s.
Perimenopause (the period leading up to full menopause), hysterectomy and menopause radically change the hormonal chemistry of a woman as she exits the age of fertility. Many physical and psychological effects occur as estrogen levels drop.
Vaginal tissues atrophy, lose elasticity, are easily irritated and prone to infections, become dry and take longer to generate natural lubrication. Sex can be uncomfortable; the vaginal dryness can lead to abrasions and serious pain. Emotional impact includes feelings of helplessness, irritation, loss, mood swings, depression, frigidity or lack of libido, fits of uncontrolled crying or rage and general instability.
Many herbal formulas can help restore a sense of balance and pleasure for a woman challenged by menopausal symptoms, especially those that target rejuvenation of the vagina, G-spot and clitoris and assist with hormonal function and balance.
Views: 624
Ideas: Women,Menopause Vaginal Dryness ,estrogen imbalance aging vagina hysterectomy ,dry vagina
Blog ID: 62348
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