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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Remember watching your first porno? Come on, you remember. You might also remember seeing your penis go from flaccid to erect while experiencing the pulsating sensation of blood pumping through each vein. While most people might think an erection occurs when the brain redirects blood to the penis, the body must meet four requirements to maintain and gain an erection:
  • The nerves of the penis must be healthy enough to function.
  • The blood circulation must be sufficient.
  • The brain must experience sufficient stimulation.
  • The penis must trap enough blood inside the spongy tissue.
If any of these attributes fail, men will experience erectile dysfunction, and with more than 30 million Americans seeing at least one of these four attributes falter, the issue of erectile dysfunction remains common. Despite the effect E.D. can have on the mind and body of a man, males can find help thanks to a natural-occurring amino acid.
Herbs in this solution
Panax Ginseng
Decreased Blood Flow Explained
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, erectile dysfunction might occur because of a decrease in nitric oxide. Nitric oxide functions as a chemical mediator for the penis, and impaired NO activity creates a pathogenic issue that hampers erectile strength. When NO remains inhibited, men cannot maintain and gain an erection.
How Citrulline Helps
An amino acid found in watermelons, Citrulline, along with Arginine, transforms into nitric oxide. According to scientist, Citrulline might increase the ingredients essential for protein production, but more importantly, the amino acid can expand veins and arteries to improve blood flow. It’s this improved level of blood flow and reduced blood pressure that increase erectile strength. By improving the flow of blood, males might experience stronger erections. For men unable to maintain blood inside of an erection, this improved level of blood can be a godsend for gaining and keeping an erection.
Citrulline at a Glance
  • Improves the production of nitric oxide
  • Reduces the constriction of veins and arteries
  • Enhances the flow of blood
Find The Best Citrulline Products
Individuals in search of the best Citrulline will find the most effective products contain both Citrulline and Arginine. The mixture lowers blood pressure and expands the veins and arteries for enhanced blood flow. According to some users, both amino acids work together to improve the production of nitric oxide for stronger erections.

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Blog ID: 62236

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