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Type 2 Diabetes, Penis Curvature, & Masturbated Since The Day I Realized

Here’s a cast study involving a young man who, as a result of too much play time with his penis, has led to premature ejaculation, a curved penis, and other problems. He begun the road to recovery, but can we put some afterburners behind him and help to turbocharge his recovery? Let’s see…

Case #: 581


I have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and the doctors can't put their finger on why it happened. I haven't used insulin or any medicine to control it yet but at certain times my blood sugar would drop down to normal levels and then would go up again.

I started to jot down anything that I did at the times when it was high and low and the one difference is that when I wasn't masturbating my blood sugar levels seemed to be normal or very to it. After I realized this I began to remember how I would get the sensation of pins and needles when I would masturbate.

I have masturbated since the day I realized I could (probably around 15 and I'm 25 now) and it wasn't until a few years ago after my last relationship, that it got very serious. I stopped having sex and I would masturbate 5 times or more a day. After reading your articles, I noticed a lot of symptoms hit home.

Whenever I'm aroused I have no problem getting an erection but I do suffer from pre-mature ejaculation (when I do have sex), seminal leakage, penis curvature (which I'm not sure about but I think was around long before I began to masturbate) and frequent urination. I've never been diagnosed with depression but I've been reading up on it and I noticed a lot of symptoms that I have in common as well as with anxiety.

After I read your articles, I quit masturbating and I've noticed that my ears aren't ringing anymore, the eye floaters have gone away and I don't use the bathroom AS MUCH but it is still more than I'm used to. It's only been about two weeks since I stopped masturbating. If there is any help that you can provide me I would greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to get back to the old me and it's very difficult. Your site is very informative and just knowing a reason behind a lot of my physical conditions has really helped me mentally. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.


The Pressure

The young stallion; virile, potent, ready to buck up into the air and land on a filly at the drop of a hat. Today’s society can be a tough place for a young man. There are tremendous pressures to live up to what the media and advertisement industries are constantly shoving down everybody’s throat; that you must be young and sexy 24/7. But since most people are just regular folks that feel that they can’t measure up to the airbrushed idols of today’s oversexed ad and film industries, they can internalize these perceived “shortcomings,” causing stress and anxiety.

Add to this that we no longer live in the olden days, where a young man could just study hard in school or learn a good trade, and then be guaranteed one solid job; eventually coasting into a leisurely retirement.

Other factors for young men include performance anxiety and sexual inexperience, further compounding the psychological factors which can culminate in spiraling downward into depression. Further obstacles, such as being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can seem like the final straw, and only serve to exacerbate your issues. Masturbation can seem like a retreat to another world; temporarily relieving you from your problems.

But too much masturbation has now depleted your body’s resources, and thrown your hormonal levels askew. What can we do to start turning back the tide?

Turbo-Charge Your Recovery

Firstly, you’ve done the right thing by giving yourself a break from masturbation and allowing your body to start restoring itself hormonally. This has alleviated your ringing ears and eye floaters as your body is slowly regenerating itself and building its resources back up. You’ll still want to refrain from playing with Mr. Happy down there for just a couple more weeks, which will further drop your stress levels and start to chip away at your depression.

During this time, you may want to take a natural herbal formula to help accelerate your healing process. Unlike prescription-grade drugs, these natural botanicals have zero side-effects, and they also help to reduce the harmful side-effects of more traditional medications, such as diabetes medicine.

Take Penis Trauma & Injury Herbal Treatment. These herbs can also help to rejuvenate your bladder-urethral, sphincter, and ejaculatory nerves that have been damaged by diabetes. Another benefit is repairing your parasympathetic nervous (the valves used to control your semen) system has been worn out as a result of chronic masturbation. In addition, they will start to heal the ruptured blood vessels and small tears in your penile tissues, which has resulted in a curvature in your penis (Peyronie’s Disease) due to your excessive hand-on-penis movements.

The reason that you are going the bathroom less is because your diabetes wasn’t as well controlled, and your blood sugar ran very high, causing your body to try and get rid of the extra glucose by excreting it in your urine. Taking these healing herbs can further lower your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and alleviate your urinary issues altogether. So let’s start to reverse these problems and get you back to enjoying your sexual prime…naturally.

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观看次数: 88


笔记编号: 62074

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