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Down but Not Out

This case study involves a man who has been masturbating obsessively without giving himself the proper rest needed to rejuvenate his body. If you are experiencing a lack of focus, read on and find out how to recover from this issue.

Case #: 922


Hi there, I am messaging you because I trust you and respect you. My main problem is masturbation. Embarrassingly, I used to masturbate using a magazine, go on top of the magazine, and would ejaculate once I get excited. I started to masturbate when I was about 9 or 10, I can't remember, but I do know that I was young. Now at the age of 19, I have weird problems, such as emptiness in my brain, a numb feeling, I can’t concentrate, and I get so frightened over little decisions such as, what games to play, one minute I end up installing the game, the next minute I end up deleting it. Little decisions get me scared and sometimes I feel that I am in my own world. I get a lot of mucus in my throat, my heart is always beating fast for no reason, and I find it hard to walk straight, I wobble when I walk, and I get nervous, I feel that something is missing inside of me, and I have spots on top of my head. Another thing I forgot to mention, once when I woke up, I stretched my arms and I got blackout as if my head is losing vision, and everything goes black, and fuzzy, I have to close my eyes and kneel my head forward until the dizziness stops. I get a lot of cramps and I don’t get erections in the morning that much. Doctor I know this is a lot, but could you please help somehow, give me advice, is yoga going to help me?


There’s a 1993 film called Falling Down which portrays Michael Douglas as an unemployed defense worker who is down on his luck. A number of tumultuous events have added up, causing him to lose his grip on reality. One day, as he is sitting mired in some infamous Los Angeles traffic his anxiety gets the best of him and he experiences a psychological breakdown.

Stress, Stress, and More Stress

Masturbation is nothing to be ashamed of or looked down upon. In fact, it is healthy to engage in a little self-love in order to keep the pipes clean and avoid issues such as yeast infections. However, sometimes people can over-abuse themselves and end up masturbating too much. Each time that you masturbate without giving yourself an adequate break between sessions you accumulate stress and your body isn’t capable of dealing with it; it can’t replenishing itself of vital hormones and neurotransmitters. As a result you can experience a breakdown similar to Mr. Douglas’s character, and things can start to seem fuzzy and unfocused.

While your mind is telling you that it’s okay to keep constantly masturbating, your body can’t keep up with the excessive frequency and it becomes severely depleted of its natural resources. Chronic masturbation can burn out your body’s sex hormones such as HGH, acetylcholine, GABA, dopamine, and serotonin, as well as interfere with your endocrine nervous system and throw your brain patterns off. This is why you’re experiencing dizziness and a lack of concentration.

So how do we get you back on track?

Getting Back Up

First off, give your body (and penis) a proper rest. We’re not talking forever here; just long enough for your body to recover and your symptoms to clear up. When you do get back to normal make sure that you don’t fall back into the same cycle of playing with Mr. Happy too much. A good rule of thumb is to limit your masturbation sessions to 3 or 4 times per week.

If you want to really accelerate your healing process, consider taking a natural herbal remedy. (SEE: Sexual Exhaustion Rejuvenation Remedy) These powerful botanical formulas can help to rebalance your out-of-whack hormonal levels and lower your stress. They can also boost your over-taxed immune system and re-stabilize normal brain patterns, allowing you more clarity and a return to more lucid thinking and focus.

You haven’t fully fallen down so don’t stress out about it; you have just encountered a couple of minor speed bumps and need a pick up. I invite you to take a natural, non-harmful path back up to optimal health.

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观看次数: 90


笔记编号: 62008

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