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Nervous Energy Dump – Problems Related to Excessive Masturbation

Here we find a young man who has been engaging in masturbation too much, and is suffering from eye floaters. In addition to this, he can’t get things rolling when it comes to sexy-time, and he is becoming more and more stressed out about it. How can he get back on track?

Case #: 624


I have all the symptoms of overmasturbation including eye floaters. I am 21 years old. Twice, I have attempted sex and failed to maintain an erection. These two times I noticed that I was very nervous and shaky, and then I begin to noticed that I spend most of the day nervous and shaky. After dealing to an extent with this, my erections seem better, but I am still afraid to attempt sex with a new woman.

When I get erections while making out, I can tell how easy it is to lose my erections if I get just a little nervous. My body kicks out adrenaline too readily and my sexual desires are not powerful enough to overcome this. I have also noticed that after about 20 minutes of making out, especially when I’m nervous, my desire and sexual potency are all but gone. I have read your site and am interested in some of the information that was provided.

Please recommend me something to help with this problem and restore my health. I have searched for information and it seems like the only one who can even clearly state my problem. Also, if you recommend anything, please tell me what is in it and if there are any evidence that I can find about how the herbs work. Thank you.


There’s a tremendous amount of pressure on men these days to conform and “measure up” to many forms of perfection. Especially young men who are in their sexual prime (typically 20s and 30s).

Under Pressure
Stereotypes abound, such as those put forth by Disney. You know, the glass slipper, the knight in shining armor, etc. We as men are supposed to be these perfect creatures that will rescue the damsel in distress, take off our coats and toss them into puddles in order to let women walk over them and not get wet, and of course, be virile and a stud in bed. These damaging images and messages are reinforced by modern popular culture, film, and advertising, further piling on the burden.

Performance anxiety is causing you to experience your weak erections. Performance anxiety means you have fear or an artificial expectation of a possible failure which in turn causes an actual failure.

The more that you worry about getting a hard erection; the more you are preventing yourself from having one. And the more you worry, the more likely that you will fail the next time you try; every time you try. Many men, because of one or two failed erections, have suffered through years of misery as a result.

Being Happy in Your Own Skin

Taking a rest for a few weeks will be the first thing you want to do. That means no self-sexy time with your friend down there. Since you’ve been masturbating constantly, you’ve depleted your body of important hormones such as testosterone and DHEA. This will allow you to start recovering them. You’ll also give your body a chance to stabilize your hormonal levels.

Having your hormones out of whack can result in a host of side-effect, such as eye floaters. This will also reduce your levels of stress that have been piling up. Relax and refrain from watching porn.

Porn can desensitize you to actual sex, and may also place added pressure upon you to be able to perform like a porn actor. Just be yourself. Also, engaging in foreplay in order to get things started (when you do return to having sex) can get the ball rolling easier. Don’t look at sex as merely an act or function, but more of as a way of pleasing not only yourself, but also your partner.

Taking a powerful botanical supplement can also help to balance your body’s hormonal levels, and promote phytochemicals like Cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G), that reinforces the structural tissues of the retina which reduce and eventually eliminate your eye floater issue (See more: Herbal Treatment For Eye Floaters & Blurred Vision). So let’s get you on the natural, herbal path to a healthy recovery and lifestyle.

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观看次数: 89


笔记编号: 61855

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