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The Morning After Pill is the Culprit Behind Her Repeated Yeast Infection

The morning-after pill causes hormonal imbalance that leads to chronic vaginal yeast infection.

Case #: 42069


I took a morning-after pill 4 weeks ago and got a yeast infection at the following week. I took an OTC drugs to get rid of it but when after a week later, I got another yeast infection. It’s overwhelming! It is really itchy and irritating and I can’t believe it keep happening to me. I take pride in myself for being as a “clean” person. Crazy Morning After pill has messed me up bad.


Unfortunately, birth control medications do commonly cause these types of symptoms. Balanced progesterone and estrogen levels are for essential for healthy production of the hormones prostaglandin E-1 and E-2 in your vagina, uterus and cervix. Morning-after pills contain artificial progesterone and estrogen, emulating pregnancy in the brain and causing the deficiency of natural progesterone, estrogen, androstenedione and testosterone.

This induces excessive production of the inflammatory hormone and immune suppressor prostaglandin E-2 in your uterus, cervix and vagina, and under-production of prostaglandin E-1, causing a hormonal imbalance, which has likely caused your yeast infection.

In essence, your pituitary-ovarian function was shut down by the morning-after pills. And your liver is now too weak to detoxify the artificial progesterone into the natural one. Try Vaginal Relief & Detoxification Formula to reverse vaginal yeast infection due to excessive prostaglandin E2, vaginal immunity has to be maintained by counterbalancing PEG-2 with prostaglandin E1.

Also supplement with lactobacillus cultures, a type of good bacteria that's common in your vagina. Combined solutions provide a fast relief to break away from your vicious cycle of chronic infection.

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Blog ID: 61779

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