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BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE – Over-masturbation and Attributed Issues

Here, we’ll check in on a gentleman who, like all healthy men, love happy-time with little mister down there. However, this had led him to having the unfortunate circumstance of suffering from dry eyes and oversensitive ears. Can he triumph over these issues? The answers are actually quite straight-forward, so if you’ve ever experienced these symptoms, you’re going to want to tune-in to this…

Case #: 560


I hope this isn't too far from the norm and I hope you can help me. I started masturbation before 15. I've had problems with my eyes for about a year. They are extremely dry upon waking but don't seem to give me a problem all day long. They are so dry in the morning that I can't open them or move them with my eyes closed. I've also had an extreme sensitivity to sound in my left ear. It sounds like there is an obstruction at times and other times it is sensitive to percussive sounds.


We All Love it

Let’s be real about this: Masturbation is basically the Holy Grail of male self-satisfaction. We don’t need anyone else around for pleasure, unless you count the actors in whatever porn you’re watching to be present. There’s nothing to be ashamed of; all healthy guys do it. And it cuts across all socio-economic lines; everyone from auto mechanics to highly regarded judges engages in it. Too much self-sexy-time however, can not only make you late for appointments and such, but it can also have a negative impact on your overall health.

What you’re experiencing is a mind/body disconnect in that you think that you are doing yourself a favor by playing with Mr. Happy all the time, but what’s really happening is that you’re overdoing it just a little bit.

As a result of your obsessive masturbation, you’ve burned out vital hormones and neurochemicals necessary for a balanced and healthy life. This can not only result in dry skin, back pain, eye floaters, and sore joints, but also the common problems that you’re experiencing: dry eyes, and oversensitive, ringing ears. So how do we get you back on track?

Let’s Turn That Burner Down to Low

The first thing you need to do is not stress yourself out over this quite common issue. Too much self-sexy time and over-ejaculation is rapidly reducing crucial the neurotransmitters, dopamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin. You’re literally burning out your body, which can cause exhaustion and even depression. On top of this, your nervous system has experienced an excessive dopamine-adrenalin conversion. This causes stress which only serves to exacerbate your problems.

An immediate way to help get you on the road to recovery is to set your body’s burner on low; take a break from playing with Mr. Happy, and treat yourself to some rest. How long are we talking here? No longer than just a few weeks. And when you come back to it, you need to establish a masturbatory cycle that is much more moderate.

Your nerves and tissues have been depleted of the prostaglandin E-2, which is causing the compression of your auditory sensory nerves by the constriction of the tissues and blood vessels inside the ears, which is why your ears are ringing.

Taking a natural herbal remedy (Advance Herbal Remedy For Exhaustion & Dysfunction) can not only help to replenish your body’s neurochemicals, it can also restore your natural hormonal levels, and help re-liquefy your dry eyes. They can also strengthen your immune system and regenerate your auditory nerves, eventually solving your ear problems. So let’s set your burner on low and fill your pot with some healthy natural remedies!

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观看次数: 96


笔记编号: 61744

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