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Marijuana and Chronic Masturbation Abuse Lead to Severe Rapid Ejaculation for a 23-Year Old Teen

He is suffering from seminal leakage and premature ejaculation as a result of marijuana abuse and addictive to masturbation before puberty.

Case #: 45312


I am 23 years old. My erection is not hard enough and can’t reach orgasm occasionally. My main problem is fast ejaculation along with leaking seminal fluid when I am aroused. Often after I ejaculate it takes hours to regain erection again.

Right now, I only masturbate once a week and hope to enjoy sex again if my relationship with my girlfriend improved. I had smoked marijuana before, not anymore now. Used to masturbate every day from the young age of 13.


Both marijuana and over-masturbation before puberty could have led to your ejaculation problems, even if you've already stopped doing both. The reason being, you may have weakened your endocrine and parasympathetic nervous system. Penile erections continuously consume essential sexual hormones and neurotransmitters. For men with weak parasympathetic sexual nerves, 20-30 minutes of foreplay can drain and depleted those critical hormones.

Long foreplay requires a powerful testosterone burst that burns continuously to charge the parasympathetic erection circuit. Your weak nerves around the ejaculation valve are not able to hold firm resulted in seminal leak out (excessive precum). Once the bioelectric voltage in the parasympathetic nerve runs low, the penis will become limp and a man will ejaculate upon penetration or after a few strokes, known as premature ejaculation. Many young adults with this condition often have ejaculation but experienced heightened orgasmic sensation, making love making non-pleasurable!

There are many other causes for seminal leaking and premature ejaculations, including psychological problems, sex addiction with compulsive masturbation, drug or alcohol use, cigarettes, arteriosclerosis, a history of sexually transmitted disease, high blood pressure, and hormonal imbalances such as low levels of thyroid hormone. In your case, the toxin buildup from your heavy use of marijuana might be one of the major contributing factors for your problems.

The weak erection problem can be resolved with a natural boost of testosterone. Testicular stimulation during intercourse can help the testosterone burst to increase the penile power and combat seminal leakage and premature ejaculation. But for the long term, you need to supplement with herbal nutrients to improve erections by generating more natural testosterone as fuel for the parasympathetic sexual nerve.

A number of herbs found in Golden Metal Lock Herbal Formula for semen leakage and premature ejaculation can also aid in the prevention of seminal leakage. Flatstem Milkvetch Seed (Astragalus Complanatus) is known to control seminal emissions. Os Draconis calms frazzled nerves. Schizandra helps improve circulation.

Bupleurum and Mucuna Pruiens are used to enhance sexual performance as well as to replenish vitality, strengthen the liver, kidney, and heart, and for treatment of a variety of ailments like diabetes, anemia, and urinary tract problems. Tribulus Terrestris boosts libido, increases testosterone, and protects the body against the effects of stress.

If your ejaculation control valve nerve is undercharged, you will feel your prostate become very unconformable and irritated after ejaculating. For men over 35, it is recommended to take additional prostate supplement for improving prostate gland wellness. And stop or decrease the frequency of ejaculation, allowing the ejaculation control valve to build strength.

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Blog ID: 61685

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