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How Ballooning The Penis Can Prevent PE

I have always had the problem where I couldn’t hold off my orgasm and I would come very quickly… I am unable to balloon my penis for enlargement

Case #: 26010


My girlfriend and I have been having sex the last few months. I have always had the problem of cumming very quickly, ever since I was young. When I was a teenager (age 12) I would masturbate on average of 2-3 times a day. I am circumcised and was wondering if this could be part of the problem. My penis is about 6 inches in length but I am unable to "balloon" my penis as I've seen on this website unless I "pump it up" by holding the pressure in by squeezing the vein. I really am concerned about this and was wondering if there was anyway that I might be able to improve our sex life. I can't stand that I'm unable to give her an orgasm unless I perform oral sex upon her. I'm able to stay longer if I wear a condom or if I've masturbated earlier in the day. Is their anything else that I can take or do to help us to improve our sex life?


Your premature ejaculation and weak erection could be the result of the over-masturbation of your teenage years. Stopping to excessively masturbate and ejaculate is a good start. Take herbs from Herbal Remedy to hasten your recovery.

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Blog ID: 61573

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