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Vibrators and Orgasms: Shake, Rattle and Hopefully Roll

This study concerns a 43-year-old woman who has never experienced a vaginal orgasm. She fears that her continued use of an electric vibrator over a period of a decade and a half has made her vagina insensitive and made it difficult for her to orgasm. She is desperate for answers. Can someone (or something) help her?

Case #: 532


I am 43 years old and hope that I will be able to experience a vaginal orgasm at some time in my life. Up to now, it hasn’t been possible. I wasn’t aware that for years I might have been doing the wrong thing by using an electric vibrator to excess. I realize this may be the reason it takes me so long to orgasm, sometimes as much as a half hour. How can I reverse what I have done to myself? Is there still hope for me?


Where Do Vibrators Come from, Why Do They Vibrate and Other Pressing Questions

Believe it or not, the vibrator dates back to Victorian times in England when respectable doctors invented the device. Its purpose then was as it is now: to bring female patients to orgasm by a means other than their fingers, which were tired of doing the “walking.”

It was considered a reputable medical instrument with none of the sometimes-embarrassing connotations it has today. Sexually-repressed English gentlewomen began buying them rather quickly, and not for aid in trimming their rose gardens or lacing up their complex and voluminous underwear.

Can the Overuse of Vibrators Cause Orgasm Dysfunction?

The keyword here is overuse. As is the instance with most things in life, vibrators are safe to use in moderation. The problem with excessive use is that scarring and stretching of the vaginal muscles and walls can occur.

This can cause clitoral and vaginal insensitivity and orgasm dysfunction. In addition, tears in the walls of the vagina can transform sex into a painful experience. The desensitization of the vaginal and clitoral tissues are not necessarily permanent conditions, but will require some changes on your part to restore these muscles and give yourself a new “lease on life.”

There’s More Than One Way to get to Rome

There’s that old saying about all roads leading to Rome. There’s another even more important saying about stupidity from Albert Einstein, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

This applies to your sex life. Don’t rely on one type of stimulation to reach an orgasm. Use your fingers (or your man’s fingers) more liberally, buy different types of vibrators and try lying in different positions.

Help is on the way

In addition to the above lifestyle changes, herbal remedies can help as well. Ingredients blend to aid in the stimulation and regeneration of damaged vaginal tissues...(See how it works)

So go out and have an orgasm today. Do it tomorrow too. You need to catch up

[More Details +]

Views: 111

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 61329

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