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High and Dry: Vaginal Dryness Brings All Pain and No Pleasure During Sexual Intercourse

She hates intercourse because it brings her nothing but pain. She knows the experience can be pleasurable because her friends talk about their own wonderful sex lives, but she begins hurting immediately upon penetration. Vaginal dryness is the culprit and can be improved with an herbal remedy.

Case #: 1125


I describe my problems like a Jay-Z song: “I got 99 problems, and sex is one!” I hate my sex life, I really do. I hear a number of my friends rave about how wonderful sex is. But I hate sex, and here’s why: it’s painful. Every time my boyfriend penetrates me, I notice a sharp pain. I almost cry when he enters me because of my vaginal dryness. Please help me; I don’t want to keep describing my love life like a Jay-Z single.


Vaginal dryness can be a woman’s worst nightmare, especially when she doesn’t know the cause or solution. You can rest assured in knowing you’re not alone; many women complain about painful intercourse as the result of vaginal dryness. The biggest obstacle with this problem can be identifying its cause; for you, that cause may be two-fold.

Mind Games

For men and women, sexual arousal and desire start in the head. Stimulation comes from the genitalia, but the real fireworks result from chemical reactions in the pleasure center of the brain. Similarly, that part which is responsible for reason shuts down during orgasm so you happily lose control.

You’re already at a mental disadvantage because you associate sex with agony. You’re probably thinking about this before you and your boyfriend even start foreplay, meaning your pleasure center is never stimulated and your region of behavioral control runs at full force. Sex has no positive connotations because you’re merely waiting for the pain.

You need to think of sex as a blissful experience that brings you and your boyfriend together. It’s important that you talk to him about your condition; he is involved in this sexual relationship as much as you. The two of you should openly explore lovemaking so it brings you pleasure rather than pain. Masturbation can also help you learn your body so you’re relaxed during sex and able to reach orgasm.

Hormones and Dryness

Vaginal lubrication occurs naturally during arousal and is intended to help penetration. If you start to enjoy and want sex, lubrication will increase so you’re no longer dry. Aside from mental well-being, the biggest factor in vaginal dryness is estrogen. It’s formed in and released by the ovaries, and its levels fluctuate throughout a woman’s 28-day menstrual cycle.

Estrogen performs many roles in the body, one of which is to keep the vagina healthy. It does this by supporting strong muscle tissue and promoting a moist environment. This is why menopausal women often grapple with vaginal dryness; their ovaries slow and eventually stop the production of estrogen, which leads to a dramatic change in the vagina’s environment.

However, menopausal women are not the only ones with fluctuating hormones. A woman as young as 30 can experience a decrease in her body’s estrogen production. Vaginal dryness is also more likely to afflict females who smoke and use douches. Avoid both to keep your vagina in optimal health.

Increase Wetness

Remember this: if other women enjoy sex, you can learn to do the same. One of the ways to naturally increase lubrication is by drinking plenty of water. This will keep your body hydrated and tissues moist.

You can also use over-the-counter lubricants to assist with your natural secretions. These prevent abrasions to your vagina that occur when you have dry sex. Avoid body sprays that can irritate the vagina and each a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to promote health throughout your body.

One of the most advantageous solutions is to take an herbal relief remedy that stimulates the growth of healthy cells in and around the vagina. (TRY: Painful Dryness Relief Remedy) This is important to sensitivity, which will enable you to feel pleasure and reach orgasm during intercourse. Herbs can also restore balance to hormones so your body’s natural wetness increases. With patience and practice, you’ll stop feeling pain and experience the same sexual bliss that your friends rave about.

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Blog ID: 61322

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