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Docking at Pleasure Island – How too Much Masturbation is Killing Your Body

We all know that excess masturbation can cause some serious chaffing, but did you know that it can also cause eye floaters, headaches, blurred vision and even back pain? See how and learn about one man's painful story.

Case #: 507


Well, I notice during these states of exhaustion (low testosterone), amongst other low chemical imbalances, my eye floaters become very, very noticeable when I'm in the daylight.

1. Will this go away gradually or can we do something else to speed the process up?
2. Are joint and muscle pain also a sign of a weak testicular function? Low testosterone?
3. Also during these times I get the so-called "Occipital Neuralgia," rear head, neck and shoulder pain that always radiates over the scalp and in the eye socket.

Well I'm pretty much stuck to pornography. This is what I masturbate to. I know it is a sad thing. Do you recommend not masturbating to visual stimulants like pornography. Or does it not really matter?


Porn: It's a multi-billion-dollar industry, but it’s an alluring scourge that robs men of their very sexual prowess, reducing them to hormonally challenged shells of their former selves. People have been asking this question ever since Linda Lovelace shook up Hollywood with her groundbreaking Deep Throat portrayal in the early 1970s (and perhaps even before that).

Porn – Like Something Out of a Disney Film?

Who among us doesn't remember Walt Disney's iconic 1940 classic “Pinocchio”? Granted, Disney didn't invent the character, but that film is certainly part our childhood nostalgia. In that film, the young wooden protagonist finds himself titillated by Pleasure Island, a seemingly glorious carnival filled with bright lights, exciting rides, limitless alcoholism and endless gluttony (yes, it's a kid's film; it was a different time).

But what happens when Pinocchio takes the bait? Quite literally, he turns into an ass and becomes a victim of slavery.

Is porn really much different? Porn addiction has both psychological and physical consequences when indulged in excess, so you have to be extremely careful. I don't want to be the “church lady,” here. It's not my place to say whether porn is good or bad, but if it's causing you to behave compulsively, you might definitely want to consider the benefits of tossing out those Jenna Jameson DVDs.

Okay, But What About My Eye Floaters?

When you masturbate constantly, you deplete your body of important hormones like DHEA and testosterone. When hormonal imbalances occur, the impact can be felt throughout the body. Remember, your hormones regulate processes throughout the body, so if they aren't able to function properly, you may experience a wide array of fun side effects, like eye floaters, blurred vision, headaches, penile soreness and even lower back pain. The first step is to take the next ferry off of pleasure island and give yourself a break from your round-the-clock masturbation parade.

Other Solutions

If you're experiencing the physiological side effects of too much masturbation, you might also want to consider a botanical remedy to restore your testosterone and to get your system functioning normally again. Herbs like Astragalus Membranaceus, Black Currant, Chinese White Ginseng, Eurycoma Longifolia, Fo Ti, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, and Siberian Ginseng can be extremely useful. Most importantly, remember that pleasure is a basic human need, but take a lesson from Pinocchio: Don't let too much pleasure turn you into an ass.

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观看次数: 71


笔记编号: 61302

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