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Smoking pot after intense masturbation is very lethal to penile tissues

A 25 year-old man's marijuana smoking and over-masturbation resulted in low libido, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation.

Case #: 45117


I consider myself as an excessive masturbator. It’s not a good habit to have, but I got addicted to it. Since I was about 14, I have masturbated between 1 and 9 times during the week and have sex with my girlfriend on the weekend. I have a strong sexual desire. I don’t feel good if I don’t release the load. After graduated from college 3 years ago, I started smoking marijuan. I smoke between 3 and 5 times a month, usually right after sex with my girlfriend.

For the last 3 months, I noticed a huge drop in libido. Worse, I am not able to maintain erection during sex. I can still have weak erection while masturbating hard. Now, I ejaculate premature constantly. I tried many herbal pills, but I am having minimal effects. I have curbed my masturbation and marijuana usage, but I still have not regained my sexual ability like before.


Your sexual dysfunction is probably the result of a number of unhealthy behaviors, starting with over-masturbation and marijuana smoking. And yes, up to 10 times a week qualifies as over-masturbation for most people. Your pot smoking is excessive, also.

Marijuana abuse raises the level of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 in the body which can induce inflammation in brain arteries, constricting blood flow to the brain. These narrowed arteries require high blood pressure to pump blood up to your brain. Prostaglandin E2 can also loosen the brain-blood barrier and then increase the drug's penetration into the cerebrospinal fluid. All of this can result in hypertension, headaches, migraines, blurred version, gum inflammation, sleeping disorder, and ear ringing, in addition to brain disorders, body or joint pains and inflammation, liver and kidney inflammation, and disorders of the prostate, uterus, cervix, bladder, and urethra. Marijuana use can also cause brain hemorrhage, enlargement of brain cavities, and brain tissue death.

Marijuana chemicals are toxins, poisonous to healthy cells. Exposure to its chemicals with excessive masturbation can put your body in a state of "chemotherapy" that deadens your nerves, leading to sexual exhaustion. The brain's acetylcholine and parasympathetic nervous functions are responsible for sustaining an erection during sex. The chemicals in marijuana gradually take over acetylcholine in the brain and nervous system, causing the brain and autonomonic nervous functions to become disordered. The neurotransmitter nitric oxide and dilator cGMP become suppressed, leading to a failure to achieve an erection or orgasm.

Once marijuana's chemicals take over the inter-neurons or synapses, it is very difficult to flush it from the brain and nervous system. After prolonged use, this scale of nervous system destruction can potentially lead to permanent impotence. In addition, a man may fail to achieve orgasm due to the acetylcholine deficiency in the sympathetic ganglions and adrenal medulla. It is here where acetylcholine helps link the sympathetic nervous functions for the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine that triggers orgasmic contraction in the pelvic contractive fibers. Seminal production and testicular functions will gradually shut down. Then, ejaculation becomes less and less, and finally dries up. At that point, it will be too late for a man to revive his sexual life.

Herbs from Cannabis Detoxification For Poor Erection Recovery will help you with the side effects of marijuana abuse, leading to restored health and sexual function. It takes 2 or 3 months for these formulas to cleanse the liver, inter-neurons and synapses for those using marijuana.

The beauty of herbal remedy is the inborn natural molecules that work in multiple arrays with the cellular and molecular levels. Synergized herbal blends in Cannabis Detoxification For Poor Erection Recovery can reduce the chronic elevation of epinephrine and prostaglandin E2 results in severe damage to brain cells and parasympathetic nerves in the liver, lungs, adrenal glands, heart, blood vessels, digestive system, pancreas, gallbladder, testicles and prostate. Therefore it can help to relieve your erection and ejaculation problems all together.

You have to help yourself too. In order to reverse the ill-effects of excessive sexual activity, over-masturbation, or over-ejaculation, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish. Then you can come back to it with a lower frequency.

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Blog ID: 61136

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