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Analyses Report on the Symptoms of Chronic Over Masturbation of an Asian Man Suffering from Early Ejaculation and Many Other Symptoms

Chronic over-masturbation since age 14 has resulted in thinner hair, weak erection, memory loss, acne, stress, low back pain, premature ejaculation, stomach pains, and some blurry vision. But a reduction in masturbation still has not cured a number of his symptoms.

Case #: 46890


I want to know how to heel my problems from over-masturbation. I started when I was about 14. I masturbated daily and gradually built up. I found out that I am suffering from over-masturbation illness. These were my symptoms that I started out with: premature ejaculation, soft erection, memory loss, low back pain, bad acne, thinning hair, stomach pain, and some blurry vision. I changed my habit and only masturbate 1 to 2 times per week.

Here are the symptoms I still have: premature ejaculation, thinning hair, some low back pain, and acne. Here are my issues:

  1. Would over masturbating and exhausted myself, strip my potential for full-destined height?
  2. I still keep losing my hair. How can I stop it without medication?
  3. How long is a man supposed to last in bed? How can I last longer?
  4. Is it true that Asians have a smaller penis? Mine is 6 inches. Little bit smaller than my peers.
  5. It's been a while. I haven't seen any improvements in my conditions. Can I do anything without medication? I eat plenty of seeds nuts fruits and vegetables.

Excessive masturbation before puberty is certainly affected your endocrine and nervous system; especially you have needed all the necessary nutrients for proper growth.

Exhaustion Hinders Your Potential

Yes, your over-masturbation may have unnaturally limited your height. Over-masturbation stressed out your hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal functions, as they are connected to testicular activity. The pituitary gland is responsible for human growth hormone (HGH) production, so if you overworked the pituitary gland during your growth period (puberty), you might have developed a deficiency of HGH.

Hair Loss Caused By Exhaustion

If hair loss problem is not genetically related, most likely your hair loss problem is associated with the imbalance hormones of HGH, testosterone, DHT and stress hormones (norepinephrine and epinephrine), and possibly glutamate. If your HGH and testosterone levels are low but the stress hormones and DHT are high, you will experience hair loss. You can stop hair loss by eating more seeds, nuts, vegetables, and sea foods. Without reducing stress and DHT and increasing the testosterone level, you won't grow you hair back.

Last Longer Using Our Technique

Most men can perform sexual activity and maintain hard erection for 20-30 minutes at least. But generally, if you cannot last longer than 5 minutes during vaginal intercourse before ejaculating, it is considered premature ejaculation. As for whether the hand or vagina provides more stimulation to the penis, that depends on if the hand stimulates your urethral nerves and trigger zones and if the vagina releases too much prostaglandin E2 for stimulating ejaculation. Try our Natural Ejaculation Control Technique to help you last longer naturally.

Size Does Matter

Your penis size is average and adequate for sexual intercourse. You have no need to worry, unless your penis is not hard enough. If you want to increase your fire power, consider various natural penis enlargement technique posted at this site. Size does matter if you want to be a better lover.

Learn & Improve

There are many natural solution in this website that can help you recover. Knowledge can empower you for full recovery. Learn the facts and improve your health.


To heal your problems, you have to restore your serotonin and GABA control over your sympathetic flight-or-flight response. Supplement with natural herbs from Golden Metal Lock Herbal Formula to help to rejuvenate your entire body. Many herbs are known to increase flood flow, enhance nutrient absorption for a harder erection, and better ejaculation control.

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观看次数: 103


笔记编号: 60853

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