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Testicle Shrinkage Caused by Testicular Pain & Injury

Testicle shrinkage (testicular atrophy) occurs when the testes located inside the scrotum diminish in size due to aging, injury, side effects caused by prescription drugs, or from exhaustion caused by excessive masturbation.

Often, diminished testicles are also accompanied by the loss of functionality, which results in low sperm count or unhealthy sperm. Some men may even experience diminished sexual stamina and poor performance.

Why the Scrotum Shrinks During Cold Weather

The testicle size never changes; the testicles only appear smaller because the skin of the scrotum thickens. Conditions that are too hot or too cold are not suitable for sperm production. The scrotum will make adjustments by either relaxing or contracting the tissue to provide a stable temperature.

Testicle shrinkage and atrophy are part of the normal aging process. But if testicle atrophy affects the germ cells, it can cause fertility issues. Meanwhile, if Leydig cells are damaged, testosterone level will significantly drop, resulting in low sex drive and depleted muscle mass.

For men over 45 years of age, it is recommended to practice testicular massage to prevent atrophy.

Remedies for small or shrinking testicles include Herbal Formulas and Tinctures that help provide nutrients and improved blood flow to stop shrinkage, while Testicular Massages help reduce the pain caused injury. Herbal formulas are the most effective method to supply growth factors and to provide the building blocks for hormones necessary for testicular regrowth.

^Pope HG Jr, Katz DL., Psychiatric and medical effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid use. A controlled study of 160 athletes., Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1994 May;51(5):375-82.
^Melissa Loranga, Bryan Callahana, Kevin M. Cumminsa, Suraj Achara & Sandra A. Browna, Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Use in Teens: Prevalence, Demographics, and Perception of Effects, Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, Volume 20, Issue 4, 2011.

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Blog ID: 61913

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