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From Sweating to Regretting – Masturbation's Painful Side Effects

Do you love to masturbate? Who doesn't? But be careful; there are consequences for excess masturbation. Learn one guy's devastating story, and see what you can do if you've already felt the scourge of over-masturbation.

Case #: 680


Recently and some years back, I would experience an acute headache when reaching orgasm. I thought it was the way I was holding my neck when making love from behind. The last few years I have experienced lightheadedness, blurred distance vision, ears ringing for 3 years, acute flashes of dizziness when bending my head to read, ear aches without ear infections, short spurts of dizziness when moving my eyes or reading a computer, and even weird thoughts or feelings. Summary: ears ringing, lightheadedness, ear pain without ear infections, and headaches when reaching orgasm. Thanks.


This really is the “feel good” generation, isn't it? Hell, if it feels good, do it, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But sometimes we forget that there are consequences for constantly feeling good. Let me tell you a story about a king who ruled over a massive empire.

One day, this king decided to choose a new personal chef for his castle, and he scoured the land looking for the best culinary artiste he could find. After much consideration, the king chose a man named Edward, because Edward prepared the most delicious goose platter that the king had ever tasted.

In fact, the king became so infatuated with this delectable goose platter that he ordered it several times a day. The goose itself was lean and healthy, but the king indulged so much that he gained a hundred pounds, became sluggish and lost his motivation. Even his mental faculties slowed down.

Finally, he was slain in battle because he just didn't have the energy to fight anymore. What's the lesson here? Is it that goose consumption will kill you? No! It's that too much of a good thing can in fact be very, very bad.

Let's Get Scientific

Excess masturbation is kind of like the king's downfall, but instead of eating a goose, you're choking a chicken. All of the problems you described are the result of insufficient neurochemicals—like L-Glutamine and GABA—which you deplete with over-masturbation.

Without the necessary neurochemicals, your brain stops functioning properly, your vision suffers, and even your mood becomes neurotic. Let's say that your city starts rationing water. If you waste all of the water on your lawn, you're not going to have any left for the shower. Your neurochemicals work the same way. Don't waste them all on your penis.

A Solution Fit for a King

The first step should be obvious: Stop masturbating. For the next few weeks, I want you to institute a completely hands-off policy. Give your body some time to heal, and to restore some sense of normalcy.

Next, try taking an herbal remedy (SEE: Migraine Natural Home Remedies) that includes some combination of Cnidium, Cuscuta, Passion Flower and Shilajit. These can help you to restore your neurotransmitter and hormone levels, so that you can overcome those nasty side effects and once again enjoy a healthy, vibrant sex life...in moderation, of course.

Because let's face it, there's nothing more fun than a healthy sex life. So take it easy on the hand-to-penis combat, and take good care of yourself.

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观看次数: 79


笔记编号: 60707

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