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My Vagina Doesn't Feel

Learn how a woman in the sexual dark is finally brought through the light.


I have a problem feeling sex. I can’t feel anything at all. My fiancé goes in and out of me and I feel absolutely nothing. I know that my vagina is dead, but it has never been alive. I try to satisfy myself and that does not work. Even oral sex does not help much. I would like to know how sex feels.


As women, it might seem as if our bodies are ever changing. As we grow older our reproductive organs probably go through the biggest change throughout the entire body. Vaginal looseness has a strong connection to hormonal imbalances, which may leave the skin that surrounds the vagina vulnerable to abrasive damage. This occurs because the skin is a neuroendocrine functioning organ. Essentially, that means that it acts as the communication freeway which receives notification from the brain to release hormones.
No Feeling
Because the entire outside of the vagina is encased in epidermis things like childbirth, masturbation, and excessive intercourse can interrupt the communication between the brain and skin. When the vaginal tissue does not receive the proper amount of hormones, the damage to the vaginal  walls will noticeably increase.
Hormonal Decrease
Hormones are an imperative part of a woman's genital area. Hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and DHEA are what determines the tightness of the vagina. If these hormonal levels become depleted, the vaginal walls will loosen. Once the vagina is damaged in this way, the skin in this area will not be able to convert hormones like DHEA and testosterone into DHT.

Bring Back The Feeling
While age can be a pretty big factor when it comes to vaginal looseness, it's not the only possible cause of the condition. Some other possibilities include, but are not limited to; PMS, menopause, childbirth, vibrator damage, and an adverse reaction to birth control or other medication.
Luckily, there are some great natural remedies out there that can help to balance out the off kilter hormones and rejuvenate the vagina at the same time. (SEE: Vaginal Regeneration for Looseness Formula) Herbs such as Milk Thistle, Muira Puama, and Atractylodes, Macrocephala are great for increasing vaginal sensitivity as well as promoting blood circulation to the genitals. They will also help the liver detox the body, build better elasticity, and repair the spongy vaginal tissue.
Because a tight vagina is the key to good sex, you may also want to try doing some daily kegel exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. If you've never done a kegel before, or you're a little foggy on what the practice actually entails, don't worry. Kegels are a no brainier. The next time you take a bathroom break, try controlling your stream of urine. If you can start and stop it at will, then you can kegel like a champ! Do at least ten to twenty of these a day to build those vaginal muscles.
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Blog ID: 60678

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