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A Prescription for the Doctor

An acupuncturist wonders which herbal formula to choose for patients suffering from amenorrhea due to birth control use, how it works, and how long to take it for. Wonder no more; the solution is here!

Case #: 658


You are helping me to understand so much about health and well-being. I thank you so much. Just to let you know, I am an Acupuncturist. Although Chinese Herbal formulas can be very beneficial, I find that they may not be as balanced as your formulas.

Considering that today people have complicated cases (yin/yang problems together), I find your solutions to be quite beneficial. I just need to understand them so that I can use them better. Now I work a lot with infertility with my patients. One thing I see a lot is amenorrhea due to birth control use (chemical castration).

I was thinking of using one of your solutions to help these women. But I don't understand how it works or which one to choose. How can I learn if this will be beneficial to them? How long should they take it? And what can you recommend to promote the function of their hormonal system.


Thank you for the friendly words from a fellow herbalist! I’m happy to recommend one of our herbal formulas for use with your patients. Its specific combination of herbs is vital for women suffering from amenorrhea, as it restores regularity to menstrual cycles.

The formula balances hormonal levels both through traditional Eastern and Western herbs, creating a truly holistic approach to the issues of infertility due to birth control.

SEE MORE: Natural Female Reproductive Tonic Formula

Power Plants

There are several menstruation-regulatory behaviors at work in the compound. Chasteberry has the ability to stabilize pituitary function by lowering prolactin levels—a common side effect of birth control use, which can create irregular menstruation—and can be used safely for an extended period.

Chasteberry and Wild Yam both contain high amounts of naturally occurring progesterone, which, when taken from non-synthetic sources, helps the body to stabilize it’s levels of progesterone properly.

Because these plants offer progesterone in a way the body can process without extra strain, there is no risk of excess progesterone occurring—taxing the body’s filtration and adding to the woes of the woman taking it. Squawvine contains phytoestrogenic compounds, which function as estrogens when ingested.

However, because they’re not true estrogens, these compounds can modulate both high and low levels of preexisting estrogen, resulting in a more stabilized hormonal cycle. It’s considered extremely powerful, and has also been used historically to help with dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and unbalanced menstrual cycles.

Dandelion is a blood purifier and tonic for the liver, helping to flush out all the excess hormones resulting from birth control use. Nettle is also used to detoxify the body, as well as providing essential nutrients for healthy menstruation—namely, potassium, for vaginal contractions, and iron, which prevents anemia.

Safe and Strong

Altogether, these herbs comprise a healthy, hormone-balancing, restorative tonic—which can be used by a woman experiencing amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or simply having issues with fertility after taking birth control. The combination of natural forms of estrogen and progesterone, and the detoxifying, supportive effect of the herbs creates a safe and effective way to combat irregular menstruation.

The compound I’ve recommended should be taken at least once, and no more than three, times per day, with plenty of water, until the cycles begin to normalize. It takes about 3 months to completely flush the body of excess hormones and reset the menstrual cycle, so it would be best to continue treatment for at least 90 days. I hope this information helps you and your patients!

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观看次数: 69


笔记编号: 60643

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