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Stop Leaking Herbal Tincture

Seminal leakage, or “leaky penis” is a sign of the weakening of the parasympathetic sexual nerves. They keep

the ejaculation valve shut and hold an erection. There is nothing more unsightly – and unsanitary – than a penis that leaks semen randomly throughout the day. That is why this formula has been developed. Many, many men suffer from a leaky penis, and they have long sought a cure. By improving the health of the penis and the parasympathetic nerves by feeding the tissues with the right nutrients and hormones, men can now overcome the embarrassing messiness of seminal leakage.

When you consider the inclusion of Alisma, an amazing herb that has a wide range of medical uses (from low blood pressure to stomach flu), you may begin to understand the potent nature of the formula. Rehmannia is another herb used for a variety of ailments such as anemia, dizziness and constipation. It contains vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as other useful compounds that reduce the production of pro-inflammatory factors. It’s in there, too!

Of course, the herb Os Draconis is famous for calming the liver and inducing tranquility as well as improving tissue regeneration and the healing of wounds. It quells irritability and anger and allows one to not only maintain his composure, but his seminal emissions as well. This allows for absolute control over a leaky penis!.

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Blog ID: 60542

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