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Herbal Formula For Very Severe Hair Loss

Sexual exhaustion from chronic masturbation is not the only cause of hair loss. But if you are often fatigued, losing your hair before 30, and look older than you actually are, it's time to get stop this downhill trend. Herbs formulated with rejuvenating herbs can reduce the amount of DHT and stress hormones, such as glucocorticoids and cortisol, to ease liver stress for faster detoxification of toxic metabolites that are harmful to the hair follicles.

Herbs in this remedy are formulated to  help men recover from Very Severe Hair Loss caused by chronic and excessive masturbation.

Formula In Action
  • Stop DHT production
  • Reduce oily scalp and inflammation
  • Nourish hair roots
  • Improve blood circulation to the scalp
  • Reduce stress hormones and metabolites from chronic masturbation
  • Increase oxygenation to hair follicles
  • Help increase silica absorption necessary for strengthening nail and hair
Formulated To Regrow Hair Based On These Healing Herbs:
Herbs Overview
Constant sexual stimulation from porn and masturbation keep the body from producing glucocorticoids and cortisol that further inflames the body. These chemical reactions damage hair follicles and result in hair loss.

Herbs syngerized in this formula promotes overall hair follicle growth and reduces follicle inflammation due to years of excessive sexual activities. 
  • Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) improves the immune system and reduces hair follicle inflammation.[1]
  • Dioscorea (Shan Yao) - balances the production of DHEA and reduces the concentration of DHT. The herb also decreases sebum production (hair oil) from the sebaceous glands.
  • Yumberry provides a rich source of multi-complex vitamins that are used in the body to build collagen, which is essential for producing new hair cells. 
  • Green Tea Extract contains EGG that promotes growth of hair follicles to stimulate the human dermal papilla cells that boost hair production.[2]
  • Shilajit provides a superb source of silica and various trace minerals that served as promoting enzyme co-factors for hair follicle growth and circulation improvement
  • Fo Ti (Polygonum Multiflorum or Zhi Shou Wu) restores color to graying hair while stimulating hair growth.
  • Bupleurum functions as a natural liver nourishing herb that increases the organ's efficiency to expel harmful chemicals and recycled out damaged metabolites harmful to hair follicles.
  • Cuscuta suppresses DHT production naturally. Cuscuta extract can inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT)[3]
Be Happy and Grow More Hair

Synergized in a therapeutic ratio, these herbal extract work together to stop obstructive swelling and inflammed hair follicle that are the major factors behind hair loss. Now you know how to stop hair falling out and start on a path of recovery. Be sure to curb the frequency of sexual activities along with herbal supplementation. Be happy and grow lots of hair!

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 60534

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