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Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves & Premature Ejaculation

Men are evolved sex animals! A sublet grab to the waistline, a kiss on the neck, and even a stare can signal men's desire for sex. But over masturbation can cause excessive precum (seminal leakage) that develops into severe premature ejaculation.

Some men exhibit strong sexual desires, but some lack the endurance. A few strokes is all it takes to make some men ejaculate. For a woman a less than stellar performance may be coincidental, but if her partner continues to explode well before she orgasms, well, then it’s a problem.

P.E. is blamed on an uncircumcised penis, a rough day at work, and even on the attractiveness of a partner. Whatever men assign the blame on, just know this frustration may be due to a weakened ejaculation valve. If you continue to ejaculate well before she orgasms, let the herbal remedy alleviate your frustrations. 

The Formula Manages to…
  • Combat severe premature ejaculation for men who cannot last longer than 12 minutes
  • Stop premature ejaculation caused by excessive masturbation and exhaustion
  • Eliminate wet dreams and seminal leakage problems
  • Prevent performance anxiety problems, a main cause for premature ejaculation
  • Modulate serotonin, dopamine, DHT, DHEA and GABA levels
  • Assist in the recovery of sexual exhaustion and stop excessive pre-cum leakage
  • Strengthen parasympathetic nerves to “lock up” a loose ejaculation valve

Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves & Premature Ejaculation provides support for men suffering from wet dreams, premature ejaculation and seminal leakage.  The formula was inspired by Wang Ang’s Medical Formulas Collected and Analyzed volume. Dr. Wang Ang, a suffer of seminal leakage, described a formula to help improve his endurance. Recently improved, that same formula has become so effective it earned a reputation as the "Golden-Metal Lock" that shuts the chest to prevent a man’s treasure, i.e., semen, from leaking out!

Formulated Based On These Healing Herbs:
Exotic Ingredients with Extraordinary Benefits
  • Astragalus Complanatus – maintains a hard erection to seal off the ejaculation valve
  • Os Draconis – contains critical minerals that sedate hyper-sensitive nerves
  • Schizandra – increases blood circulation to enhance the repair process around genital area
  • Cimicifuga -- boosts energy flow to the ejaculation valve to prevent early ejaculation
  • Bupleurum – enhances liver function to detoxify and to eliminate toxins harmful to the ejaculation reflex arc
  • Cornus officinalis - stops wet dream and seminal leakage
  • Mucuna Pruiens – works with other herbs to prolong erections and aid in ejaculation control
  • Passion Flower -- provides nutrients to prevent nervousness and enhance sleep quality necessary for rejuvenation
  • Tribulus Terrestris -- stimulates the central nervous system to help improve sexual potency
  • Ostrea Gigas – offers a calming effect for people with anxiety attacks and performance anxiety
  • Gardenia -- assists in the development of parasympathetic nerve cells for better ejaculation control
The Science Behind The Formula

Essential components such as Os Draconis, Flatstem Milkvetch Seed, Ostrea Gigas and Gardenia calm and rejuvenate the parasympathetic nerves. Cimicifuga, Mucuna Pruiens and Tribulus Terrestris help strengthen the parasympathetic nerves and increase control over an ejaculation. 

Lately, Milkvetch Seed has won more attention due to its power to overcome liver fibrosis and to improve the hepatocarcinoma in an animal model. [1] Recent research has discovered special fatty acids in Flatstem Milkvetch Seed . Key constituents of Astragalus Complanatus include Astragalin, beta-sitosterol and fatty acids, such as heptenoic acid, tetradecanoic acid, pentadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, octadecenoic acid, octadecanoic acid, octadecadienoic acid, linolenic acid, eicosanoic acid, eicosenoic acid and docosanoic acid. [2]

The liver’s role in detoxification is to produce stress hormones and toxins that are especially beneficial to the parasympathetic nerve rejuvenation. The hypotensive effect of Astragalus Complanatus improving ejaculation control is still under investigation. [3]

Mucuna Pruiens, Gardenia and Passion Flower contain significant amounts of natural levodopa compounds, which function as building blocks for the neurotransmitter dopamine, a key nutrient needed for the recovery of early ejaculation problems. [4] [5] [6]

Take Action With Gratitude

Os Draconis, Ostrea Gigas, Gardenia and Passion Flower each contain essential nutrients, minerals and molecules, additives that help in rejuvenating weak nerves and calming over-excited ones. Recent discoveries have found that Os Draconis and Ostrea Gigas contained the chemical anxiolytic, which promoted sedative and anticonvulsant activities at the molecular level. These herbal blends can help reduce performance anxiety through the activation of the GABA receptor-mediated anxiolysis. [7] [8]

Failing parasympathetic nerves that controlling ejaculation will not heal themselves. The formula is available in pills or can be prepared as a tincture. Make her smile like she used to after sex.

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观看次数: 420


笔记编号: 60529

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