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Urine Test Report & Analysis for a Man Suffering from Premature Ejaculation and Weak Erection

He is suffering from a weak erection and premature ejaculation and hopes that a urine analysis will shed some light on his problems.

Case #: 46644


I am having problems with a weak erection and premature ejaculation. Can you tell me anything about my problem using a recent urine test? Here are the results:

Epinephrine (µg/gCr) 8.0 (8 – 12)
Norepinephrine (µg/gCr) 53.5 (35-50)
Dopamine (µg/gCr) 188.5 (110 – 175)
Serotonin (µg/gCr) 109.2 (150 – 200)
Glycine (umol/gCr) 75.5 (200 – 400)
Taurine (umol/gCr) 154.4 (150 – 550)
GABA (umol/gCr) 1.2 (1.5 – 4 .0)
Glutamine (umol/gCr) 217.6 (150 – 500)
Glutamate (umol/gCr) 16.2 (10 – 35)
Aspartic Acid (µmol/gCr) 22.6 (20 – 40)
PEA (nmol/gCr) 213.3 (175 – 450)
Agmatine (ug/gCr) 3.6 (1-2)
Histamine (ug/gCr) 20.4 (10-20)
Creatinine (mg/dL) 262.5 (N/A)


The urine results indicate you have high risk factors for premature ejaculation. Your norepinephrine and dopamine levels are too high and your serotonin and GABA levels are too low, as well as your level of Tauarine -- the precursor necessary for GABA synthesis. Your epinephrine was not yet at an inflammatory response state, probably due to the fact that you collected the urinary sample early in the day.

These abnormal hormone levels inside your body have negatively impact your sexual performance. Your urine results shown that your high epinephrine, dopamine and histamine levels are the causes affecting your ejaculatory nerve reflex and over-stimulating your prostate that resulted in your premature ejaculation problem.

Based on your provided test, your erectile problem is due to a high Agmatine level (almost 3 times of the normal range). Agmatine inhibits nitric oxide synthase (NOS), responsible for production of the erectile neurotransmitter nitric oxide. When your agmatine level is out of range, your nitric oxide production in the smooth muscle is likely shut down, which appears to be the case for you. [1] [2]

Science In Progress: Is Agmatine A New Neurotransmitter For Sexual Response?
Nitric Oxide production is key in erectile physiology. Recent researches are examining the enzymatic interactions and regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthase by Agmatine. Few animal models have established in the regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by agmatine in the rat’s celebral. Next step in to work on the microvessels of the penile tissues. Stay tune with our updates (chart). [1] [2]

Biological causes of premature ejaculation include abnormal hormone levels, abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system, certain thyroid problems, inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra, inherited traits, nervous system damage resulting from surgery or trauma, or withdrawal from narcotics.

Cong Rong Cistanche Kidney Male Last Longer Solution is a natural solution that can restore the balance of oxytocin, testosterone, DHT, and Agmatine levels for men suffering from sexual exhaustion. Tribulus, Damiana, and Butea Superba are testosterone modulators by interacting with Nitric Oxide Synthase and other enzymes. The formula also contains Os Draconis (Long Gu) and Nacre (Zhen Zhu Mu) that can suppress hyperactivity problems with ejaculation nerves. [3]

Many premature ejaculation patients believe that masturbating an hour or two before intercourse will help them delay ejaculation during sex. However, many premature ejaculation sufferers report that this worsens their problem. Frequent masturbation weakens nerves responsible for ejaculation control and conditions the brain to have a quicker release of ejaculation.


  1. ^Mun CH, Lee WT, Park KA, Lee JE., Regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by agmatine after transient global cerebral ischemia in rat brain., Anat Cell Biol. 2010 Sep;43(3):230-40. Epub 2010 Sep 30.
  2. Uzbay T, Kose A, Kayir H, Ulusoy G, Celik T., Sex-related effects of agmatine on caffeine-induced locomotor activity in Swiss Webster mice., Eur J Pharmacol. 2010 Mar 25;630(1-3):69-73. Epub 2009 Dec 24.
  3. Gauthaman K, Ganesan AP, Prasad RN., Sexual effects of puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) extract (protodioscin): an evaluation using a rat model., J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Apr;9(2):257-65.
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观看次数: 94


笔记编号: 60452

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