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Infertilidad masculina
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The Painful Consequences of Marathon Masturbation – and What You Can Do

Excessive masturbation can turn a pleasurable experience into a painful torture session. Does your penis feel sore as a result of too much self-love? Learn what you can do about it.

Case #: 440


I have damaged my suspensory ligaments. I took some time off and the pain subsided. However, while in pain, I masturbated every day. Now, I think masturbating caused me to feel more pain. While exercising on the rowing machine, I notice the pain return. Now the pain seems located between my leg and my penis. Both ligaments (left and right) have a stinging pain at the moment. The pain is subsiding, but will my injury fully heal? If so, how long? Will the injury affect my erectile capacity?


There are few things in this world more unpleasant than penis pain (at least for us guys). I mean, if you injure your left leg, you can always lean on the right, but if you injure your penis, there goes your love life. Unfortunately, excess masturbation can most definitely cause—or exacerbate—pain in your nether region (...more).

The Cause? Too Much Time on the Orgasmic Tilt-a-Whirl

When you treat your body like a round-the-clock pleasure carnival, it produces excess androgen hormones like DHT, which exhaust your sex organs and cause you to feel over-stimulated. This hormonal imbalance can contribute to the severe pain and discomfort that you're feeling.

And what about that all-important erectile capacity? Well, your hormonal imbalances can definitely contribute to soft erections, as can the pain itself. When your penis is physically distressed, it's going to be very hard for you to maintain the level of arousal necessary to maintain a firm, healthy erection. I mean, how can you be expected to focus on the pleasure of sex when you're genital region feels like it's been run over by a truck?

The Cure – A Little Herbal Therapy...and Maybe a New Hobby

The good news is that hormonal imbalances can be reversed, and tissue damage can be treated. Best of all, you can eliminate the symptoms naturally at home, without the need for any painful or traumatic “procedures.”

Let's talk herbs. Did you know that astragalus membranaceus and cornus officinalis can repair soft tissue? Or that morinda and curculigo can restore your neurotransmitter levels (this is extremely important, because a big part of your problem is excess dopamine release). With this right combination of herbs (more), you can relieve that nagging pain and enjoy a truly satisfying sex life once again. Lastly, remember that too much stimulation can have consequences, so take a break once in a while and read a good book!

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 60393

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