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Golden Brain Food Elixir for Better Cognition & Execution

“Slow-Boiled Frog” Mental Denial

Have you noticed your academia record or work performance get worse even with good attendance and high effort? Are your memory and concentration the same as last year? The problem may stem from excessive masturbation/ejaculation. Most people do not take action because they are unaware of the damaging effects caused by excessive masturbation/ejaculation.This mental denial resembles an anecdote titled the “Slow-Boiled Frog.”

If a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out instantly, but if the same frog is placed in cold water, and slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. An exhausted mind has lost the ability to alert you. By the time you reach the severe stage of sexual exhaustion, it may be harder to jump out of the dire complication. 

This Solution Maybe Helpful If You:
Formulated To Restore Back Concentraion & Memory Power Based On These Healing Herbs: 
Herb Overview

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a naturally produced amino acid that helps provide energy,  improve mood and elevate sexual appetite. Because Acetyl-L-Carnitine facilitates the release and synthesis of acetylcholine, the amino acid can improve memory.

Astragalus functions as a adaptogenic that helps recover from chronic and adrenal fatigue caused by over masturbation. Astragalus too helps boost immunity while assisting in the recovery of mental and sexual exhaustion.

Ginkgo helps with the production of nitric oxide that increases sexual stimulation for men. Ginkgo tocan even combat the side effects created by antidepressants.

Gotu Kola enhances the flow of oxygen to the brain for an improved mood. Thanks to its mood-improving abilities, Gotu Kola has earned a reputation as the "happy herb." It too duals as an herb known for managing stress by regulating the adrenal hormones, which become depleted from over masturbation. 

Phosphatidylserine improves cognitive abilities. Men who over masturbate deplete their phosphatidylserine reserve, often leading to age-related memory loss.

Siberian Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb known to increase physical and mental endurance, abilities altered and weakened during sexual exhaustion caused by over masturbation.

Understand How Your Brain Works

Brain cells communicate via the processes of neuritis. Neuritis are long branches (similar to antenna or scapes) that produce electrical signals between the nerve cells. One of the important growth factors for neuritis is Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Acetyl-L-Carnitine can stimulate neurite outgrowth by as much as 20 percent.[1]

In Golden Brain Food Elixir For Better Cognition, Memory, & Execution, the role of Acetyl-L-Carnitine is to stimulate the function of the neuritis to improve memory, concentration, cognition and the execution ability by increasing the production of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine is a famous and vital neurotransmitter. Acetyl-L-Carnintine facilitates the release and synthesis of acetylcholine by transferring its acetyl group toward the production of acetylcholine, thus increasing the production of acetylcholine significantly.

This formula features the AGPC advantage that takes brainpower to the next level. AGPC (Alpha-glyceryl phosphoryl choline) is a precursor of the acetylcholine neurotransmitter. AGPC is a potent form of choline, derived from soy lecithin that easily crosses the barrier between the blood and the brain to make acetycholine.[2]

Constituents from natural adaptogen species in this formula, such as rhodiola, display powerful antioxidant properties that prevent oxidative and inflammatory effects in the brain cells. Rhodiola is known to help people fall asleep quicker, sleep longer and experience better quality of slumber.

In a published study of men with sleep disturbance, Rhodiola helped to reduce total unwanted awake time during the night, eventually transforming that time into restful REM state that lasted significantly longer. [3] [4] [5]

A synergized effect of this formula can enhance the memory centers of the brain, allowing them to work more efficiently and produce more beneficial neurotransmitters for a more focused mind. [4] [6]

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