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Lost in a Haze –The Detrimental Effects of Excessive Masturbation and Marijuana Addiction

This case involves a gentleman who has been engaging in excessive masturbation for quite some time, resulting in some unwanted symptoms. Compounding the issue is a history of heavy pot smoking. How does he recover from these issues?

Case #: 754


I am 33 old guy and have being masturbating since the age 16. I did heavyweight body building from the age of 16 to 25 and have also been smoking marijuana for 10 years till now which I did on daily basis. I have been having premature ejaculation (less than one minute) since the age of 20, and recently been experiencing watery ejaculation, semen leakage, hair loss, back aches, frequent urination, and erectile dysfunction (going limp). I recently felt fatigue after my one minute round of sex with my new found love which I blamed on stress. This situation embarrasses me a lot and has kept me from sex and relationship for a long time now. But it seems now it’s catching up more with me. After a long research I found your site and I am very convinced with your explanations on causes and symptoms. I hope you could help me to rejuvenate my love life. Thank you! Please reply soon.


I’ve heard that some people like to get together and smoke pot as a communal activity; a way to get together and relax. Maybe some of them watch stoner movies together, or just sit around and talk about far out, wacky stuff. In today’s society, we are bombarded by so many mixed and contradictory messages through advertising, film, and info-tainment (and its lack of fact-checking). Compounding this with a modern day world where inhibitions are pushed to the side in favor of constant and instant gratification and stimulation, and you have a lot of folks out there that are falling into negative cycles and unhealthy practices. Yes, marijuana can enhance your mood, but at what cost?

Mixed Signals

Constant and/or long-term marijuana use can warp your brain chemistry in addition to disrupting your blood brain barrier. This barrier is like a porous layer around the cerebral cortex (that gray matter up there) that retains nutrients critical to proper brain function, while expelling all the bad stuff.

Now imagine that crucial barrier developing gaping holes in it due to excessive pot smoking. This can lead to a whole host of issues, such as sleep loss, body aches, and more. And your overmasturbation has led to burning out your body’s sex hormones, such as dopamine, GABA, and serotonin. Since you’ve been indulging yourself so much without proper rest, your body hasn’t been able to keep up and replace those crucial chemicals, and you’re caught in a vicious cycle of addiction.

Breaking Through the BS

First of all, don’t be embarrassed. These issues are more common than you probably realize. You say that you want to rejuvenate your love life? This is how you do it, but you really have to take it seriously before it gets more serious for you. Relax and take your body on a vacation from any sort of sexual activity. Yes; that includes both intercourse and playing with Mr. Happy for a few weeks. Allow your body to recoup some of its losses, and get a little peace of mind, knowing that you’re doing something good for yourself.

Natural herbal formulas can really turbo-charge your recovery process, because they contain properties that can not only lower your excessive DHT build-up (which is causing your hair loss), but also help to repair your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling the flow of semen and also containment of urine. (SEE: Nerve Control Remedy for Over Masturbation) After a while, you’ll be able to control when you want to ejaculate. This will also help your nervous system to convert your sex hormones more efficiently, which will give your overtaxed endocrine, liver, and kidneys some time to recover.

In time, this will result in your back pain disappearing and also having more energy to tackle the day with. This is a long-term recovery process, but it does work, with a little patience and determination

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观看次数: 93


笔记编号: 60350

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