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G-Spot Insensitivity: The Missing Piece for Many Women Who Don’t Orgasm During Sex

After one year with the same lover, she has yet to reach climax. Everything appears picture-perfect on the outside: his erection is large, and she orgasms during oral sex. The problem is a lack of sensitivity in her vagina, which can be remedied with an herbal formula.

Case #: 890


I’ve been with a guy for almost a year now and haven’t been able to reach an orgasm through intercourse, although I can very well from oral sex. He has about an 8-inch erection and a light under-curvature. What is the problem, and what can we do?


You’re not alone in your struggle to achieve orgasm. Only about 33 percent of all women regularly climax during intercourse, meaning more than half of the female population is in the same position as you. Those who do not climax during sex need stimulation to the clitoris, usually obtained by oral sex or finger stroking. The clitoris is not only easier to find, but also much more sensitive than the vagina. With 8,000 nerve endings, this organ is a source of real pleasure for many women.

However, the complete failure to reach orgasm can lead to frustration and loss of interest in sex. It’s only fair that both partners equally enjoy this act. Without that pleasure, a woman might feel her needs aren’t being met and choose to avoid sex altogether.

Locate Your G-Spot

To gain more enjoyment from intercourse, the first step is to locate your G-spot. This elusive and often mysterious zone is found on the vagina’s upper wall, just a couple of inches past the vaginal opening. It is approximately a quarter-inch in size and, when stimulated, can produce an orgasm that courses through the whole body. The feeling is described as even richer and warmer than the climax achieved by clitoral stimulation.

One way to tell the G-spot from surrounding tissue is by touch; it feels rougher and has ridges that aren’t found elsewhere within the vagina. Once stimulated, you’re likely to react with either extreme pleasure or profound surprise. Your partner can help in this explorative journey by sliding his finger inside your vagina and then crooking it so the tip strokes your upper wall.

If you don’t immediately find it, don’t lose hope; MRI readings show that every woman has a G-spot, you just need to be patient in obtaining its exact location. Because every woman is different, this approach cannot be described with absolute science. It’s a process of trial and error.

Learn Your Body

To feel any joy at all, you must first be properly aroused. You might ask your partner to bring you to orgasm by stimulating your clitoris before intercourse. This will make it much easier to find your G-spot, which increases in size during arousal. He can then slowly enter you from behind – the missionary position doesn’t lend itself to G-spot stimulation – and try to bring you to a second orgasm that way.

You might also choose to explore your body without his assistance. Masturbation helps you understand what does and doesn’t give you pleasure while focusing solely on your needs. Once you have this information, you can share it with your partner so sex becomes a mutually enjoyable experience.

Improve Sexual Insensitivity

Even after your G-spot is located, you might find its stimulation brings no reward. This is not cause to worry because practice usually perfects technique. It might take a few tries before you and your partner get it right.

If your G-spot makes you wince in pain when touched, you may have nerve damage that needs to be repaired. Similarly, you might also find this erogenous zone produces no feeling at all, meaning it’s insensitive to touch. You can rejuvenate your G-spot, and increase the likelihood of a body-quaking orgasm, with an herbal formula specially formulated to repair nerves. (SEE: G-Spot Rejuvenation & Nerve Repair) Ingredients that include Catuaba and Muira Puama will improve blood flow to your genitalia so your clitoris and G-spot engorge with stimulation. The effect will be heightened responses to touch and more fulfilling orgasms.

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Blog ID: 60292

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