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Chronic Fatigue Due to Chronic Masturbation, Myth or Reality?

After taking natural remedies for hair loss, he experienced a major boost in his sex drive. Nice side effect, huh? Not so much! Now, he masturbates multiple times a day and is worried that he’s become a sex addict who’s headed for physical disaster!

Case #: 424


Before I found your website, I noticed that I was losing my hair. I tried different formulated products that were supposed to re-grow the hair follicles — but then I became impotent. Instead of rising every morning like the sun, my erections became more like a full moon—appearing once a month! I suffered in silence until I stumbled onto your site and took some recommended products. Now, I’m worried that the products worked too well because I am constantly yearning for sex!

I’m at work, thinking about sex. I go to church—with sex on my mind. I watch the news on TV and can’t stop undressing the anchorwoman in my mind. I feel that I love sex way too much now. I’ve been masturbating several times a day and I’m scared that this habit will eventually lead to sexual exhaustion. What can I do to get my sexual desires under control?


Sex is awesome but, as with most things in life, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Don’t worry, though! You’re not alone in your struggle with out-of-control sexual urges – millions of people are coping with the same issue – and there are steps you can take to put the brakes on your libido and bring your desires back into balance.

Are You A Sex Addict?
The fact that you’re fantasizing about sex continuously and masturbating repeatedly each day suggests that you are obsessed and may have developed an addiction to sex. Sexual addiction (also referred to as hypersexuality, hypersexual disorder, or compulsive sexual behavior) is real! In fact, close to 12 million Americans are struggling with this problem. Sexual addiction is an obsession with sexual thoughts and feelings that leads people to persistently participate in sexual behavior (ranging from obsessive masturbation to flings and affairs) even when there are negative consequences to your health, relationships, job, etc.

Sexual addiction can be caused by both physiological and psychological factors. Low self-esteem, memories of sexual trauma (molestation, rape, etc.) or guilt rooted in a strict moral upbringing are a few of the psychological triggers. Imbalances in neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) brain such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine can contribute to sexual addiction.

For an addict, sexual activity may activate these chemicals creating a high similar to alcohol or drugs.

Over-Masturbation and Chronic Fatigue
You say you’re also worried about fatigue related to your frequent masturbation. Well, yes, this is a serious problem. When guys pleasure themselves excessively, a stress hormone called cortisol builds up in the body.

This contributes directly to Chronic & Adrenal Fatigue which starts out as tiredness but can lead to severe sluggishness, difficulty in concentrating and irritability.

What To Do:
Nature has provided us with a variety of beneficial herbs that can help fix the neuro-chemical imbalances that have blasted your sex drive through the roof. Many individuals suffering from sexual obsession have found relief in formulas that blend herbs such as Astragalus, Salvia Root, White Peony, Panax Ginseng, Gastrodia, Cyperus, Phellodendron Amurense, Poria Cocos, Vinpocetine and Phosphatidylserine.

These herbal remedies need time to affect your internal chemistry so you must have patience. Will power and stress-relieving activities (working out, listening to music, spending time on a favorite hobby, etc.) should help. And, of course, avoid all unnecessary sexual stimulation! Avoid porn, music videos, lingerie catalogs, beach volleyball tournaments or anything else that gets your sexual motor running. If watching a certain TV news anchor gets you hot and bothered, then switch to a different channel – or go back to reading the newspaper!

And what about that rundown feeling you’ve been experiencing? As you masturbate less and less, you should also experience some relief from fatigue. You can aid this process with herbal formulas that combine Cornus, Cnidium, Damiana, Lycium and other ingredients that are proven to be effective in restoring energy by reducing the impact of elevated cortisol levels.

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观看次数: 103


笔记编号: 60152

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