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The Sad Truth – Chronic Masturbation Equals Smaller Penis

When you start masturbating frequently at a young age, you may actually cause stunted growth to your penis. It's true. Learn the facts about this unfortunate phenomenon.

Case #: 642


I am a 25 years old, healthy male, about 200lbs and 6ft tall. When I was about 11 I started masturbating excessively about 3-4 times a day. I currently have a 2 inch penis when flaccid and 4 inch when erect. I have been looking at your site and am interested in growing my penis. Can you recommend what solutions, techniques or exercise I need to use to grow a bigger penis? Thanks.


Would you rather start with the good news or the bad news? Okay, the good news is, there are practical solutions for improving the size of your penis. The bad news is, these solutions involve a bit of self-sacrifice.

Just a smidge...okay, a lot. If you masturbate excessively, you're not going to like this. But if you want to improve the size of your penis, you need to change the way you look at masturbation. Rather than being a constant part of your everyday life, it should become an occasional pastime...if that.

The Truth Hurts – But it May Save Your Penis

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but so often in life, the truth is quite devastating. When you were 9 or 10 (17, in my case), your parents told you there was no Santa Claus; when you were about 12 or 13, you learned that Froot Loops are in fact NOT part of a balanced breakfast; and when you were about 19, you came to the devastating realization that the waitress at Hooters isn't actually in love with you.

Yes, it's unfair that some of life's greatest revelations are so unpleasant, but I have one more for you: your compulsive masturbation is almost certainly the cause of your penile inadequacy issues.

You see, during those formative adolescent years, your penis experiences its greatest growth. But when you pick up a four-pack-a-day masturbation at the ripe young age of 11, you start depleting important chemicals at a dangerously rapid rate, and those chemicals are needed to develop your reproductive system during puberty. As a result, you stunt your own growth. So often in life, we prove to be our own worst enemies, and this is no exception.

But Now You're All Grown Up

Now, as a grownup, I assume you still masturbate frequently (old habits die hard), and as a result, you're contributing to an accumulation of plaque inside the tiny arteries along your penis, and to an accumulation of scar tissue along your penile chambers. As a result, you block the natural flow of blood and continue to minimize your size potential.

So step 1 is to take an extended break from the masturbation and give your penis some time to heal and restore itself. Then, keep the activity to a minimum. You need to rejuvenate your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis, and restore the blood flow to its maximum potential. This will reactivate your testicular and penile somatic stem cells, and allow you to start improving the size of your erections.

Now if you want to expand the full size potential of your penis, I would recommend an herbal remedy that contains Cistanche, Fo-Ti, Deer Antler and Ginseng (SEE MORE: Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth). This combination of botanical ingredients will improve hormone levels, maximize blood flow and stretch your penis to the kind of length of girth that you've never seen before. Just remember that with great size comes great responsibility, so no matter how proud you are, don't go whipping it out in public. We have laws about these sorts of things.

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Blog ID: 60106

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